Monday, September 16, 2019

Ghost Rider Vs. The Atomic Skull

The Atomic Skull may have never made it past C-Level Superman Villain status, but personally I have always really liked the character.  His original costume is full of Silver-Age cheese in all the right ways.  In later years, he got an updated look, more closely resembling Ghost Rider.  Even if he had a more derivative appearance, I still quite enjoyed the stories he appeared in.  I enjoyed the idea that he wasn't all there, and perceived his life to be part of a cliffhanger movie serial.


  1. Anonymous and Proud of it!September 16, 2019 at 7:03 AM

    Throw in Boston Brand and you have the makings of a new set of 3 Stooges circus act.

  2. Funny! I don't remember demanding this particular team-up. But, I thank you for giving it to us, Ross, just the same. :-)

  3. Just imagine if you had only a skull to deal with every day, you wouldn't need shaving cream and hairspray. But polishing that skull or even tending to those flames could prove somewhat troublesome.

  4. @JLBG: As they say in a certain galaxy far, far away: "That's a Givin."

  5. There are a lot of skull visible characters out there. Imagine a team like DEO being organized by Mister Bones (who I think has never had a team-up) of such characters.

    Of course the title would be:
    Bad to the Bone.

  6. Comment Deleted could not haveSeptember 16, 2019 at 2:42 PM

    NEWSFLASH, this just in...Ghost rider is teaming up next with THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN!
    (wonder who's gonna get top billing on that team up?)

  7. Preliminary bout: WOLVERINE VS. ARCHIE!

  8. I kept thinking you could have every skull character vs Marvel's Skull Kill Crew and call it the Skull Kill Crew vs the Skull Kill Crew.

  9. And, no, folks: Ross has never done that one, as yet. I double-checked!

  10. @Unknown: you mean "Skull Kill Crew vs. SKRULL Kill Crew." Right?

    @Anonymous: you mean, "Wolverine vs. Archie." Right?

  11. Yep. my bad on the typo! Messed up my own play on words.

  12. This is yet another brilliant pairing.

    And I love that title of Glenn's....

    Maybe someday we can have Ghost Rider vs. Skeletor.

  13. On a minor digressive note: Happy Golden Anniversary to Scooby Doo!

    It was fifty years ago, on Sept. 13, 1969, that he made his small screen debut as a Saturday morning cartoon. Of course, in hindsight, Hanna-Barbera might have become a tad over-reliant upon this lovably meddlesome mutt and his four teenage owners. For example: Mystery, Incorporated's adventure with a thawed-out "shark man" on ABC's THE SCOOBY DOO SHOW (featuring the annoyingly fearless Scrappy Doo) was a recycled amalgam of two separate Scooby episodes from CBS!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. In that case, I'll wish Mystery, Inc. a belated "Happy Anniversary" as well. :-)

    Btw: you know how it's always quoted that Bruce Wayne disguised himself as a humanoid bat because criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot? Well, when you think about it, so were the general public in all those Scooby cartoons! How else to explain them being so relatively easily fooled by high-tech scam artists?

  16. @Bob Greenwade said...
    This is yet another brilliant pairing.

    He's absolutely right! I couldn't think of a better salt & pepper set than this one.

    Tho, with second thoughts, and a little time on research, you could probably do at least half a chess board of characters with a clear top and no complexion.

  17. Ross you were so close but you missed it. The one pairing that has to be done for one reason alone: Ghost Rider and the Scooby gang. I want to see them pull his mask off. It's sure to be a classic.

  18. PS: I just got back from Rose City Comic Con, where I spent Saturday dressed as The Shadow. I got a few duo photos with characters that I thought would be fun to see in team-ups: Blade, Doctor Strange, and... She-Ra! (I was also going to get Batman, but couldn't find him.)

    I'd really love to see a Shadow/She-Ra team-up, if you can figure out a good story for it.

  19. ...or Ambush Bug. We haven't seen him for a while, and I think he'd be a fun contrast for The Shadow.

  20. How about Wanda Maximoff and Gladstone Gander vs. Amos Fortune and his Murphy machine?

  21. I prefer the first suggestion, Bob. I even have the perfect title for setting up the premise!

    "Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Heart of He-Man?"

  22. How about Atomic Skull (and his minions) and Team Skull (Pokemon)?

  23. If I were the Atomic Skull, I'd hire Crossbones to "catch 'em all."

  24. Up next, Ghost Rider vs. Sum
    Dr. Destiny.

    Or could you get artwork of him in an aeroplane instead of a motorbike? Ghost Rider in the skkkyyyyy.

  25. He might be able to, Anon. There's that classic issue of G.R. where he tangled with the Phantom Eagle of World War I!

  26. Actually, the Phantom Eagle was a superheroic aviator of the First World War. That is; till he was treacherously killed by his arch-enemy the night after the Armistice was signed.

  27. Strange! I seem to remember a story arc where he was still alive during the Depression. Only to be led into a trap involving permanent sexual slavery amongst a tribe of lesbian Amazons!

    Must've been another needless Alan Moore ret-con.
