Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Doc Samson and Raven

The She-Hulk Disney+ series will be bringing us the adventures of a gamma-powered attorney soon.  What better place to also introduce a gamma powered therapist?  Ty Burrell appeared as Doctor Leonard Samson in The Incredible Hulk, so he's already technically in the MCU. I want to see the green haired muscled up version though, so there would have to be some re-casting.  I think a bodybuilder with acting chops could pull off the role, no need for CGI.


  1. Am I the only one who thinks this kind of thing could be a regular team up on the site? Doc Samson... Office Hours, co starring ____________.

    Oh well, a man can dream. Very cool idea

  2. Imagine what he could do with Damian Wayne. Daddy issues, Mommy issues, Granddaddy issues...and that's without Tim Drake or Jason.

  3. and next in Family Court is Robin vs Everyone.

  4. Doc Samson meets Doc Savage...the man of brawn meets the man of bronze...

  5. The Rock with a green wig, maybe?

    On second thought...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    "Stone Cold" Goldberg or Jesse Ventura would probably be better choices.

  6. @Anonymous: Bill Goldberg and "Stone Cold Steve Austin" (nee Steven J. Anderson) are two entirely different individuals. Besides which; why cast a bald wrestler-turned-actor?* Why not just verdantly dye the existing hair of someone like Terry "Hulk" Hogan?

    *Although, comedians like Jay Leno would probably quip, "Isn't that two different names for the same thing?"

  7. How about the Amadeus Cho Hulk and Swamp Thing?

  8. Really looking forward to the Shulkie series

    On this blog, I'd like to see Doc Samson team up with Doc Savage
    Or for more courtroom shenanigans - Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law vs Two-Face... with Judge Dredd presiding!

  9. Alec Holland vs. Chulkie? That should prove interesting. Especially if Ted Sallis were the referee!

  10. Harvey Birdman vs She-Hulk in court. And beyond.

    Maybe have the Doc (in some form) visit the Titans.

  11. Have you done an "all doctors" team-up. Doc Sampson, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate, Doc Savage, etc.

    They could fight Doctor Doom, Doctor Light, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Destiny etc.

  12. No, but tune in tomorrow for a meeting of two doctors...

  13. Two doctors, huh?

    I wonder "who" they are "fated" to be? ;-)

  14. Oh, two doctors? I'm crossing my fingers that it's the Strange/Mid-Nite "medical consult" I've been requesting. Or else Doctor Who with Star Trek: Voyager.

    About Doc Samson, I went to look up Ty Burrell to see what he looks like and what beefy actor could replace him if Doc were to make his transformation during the She-Hulk show. The first one to come to mind was Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson, and I think he could manage the role nicely. He'd be only the second person (after Laurence Fishburne) to appear in the MCU and DCEU at the same time.

    As for this cover, I do love it; it certainly sets up a compelling story for inside. I'd like to see a continuation of Doc's rivalry with Harley Quinn, though.

    @Cary: I think you mean Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea. But at 66, I think he may be a bit old to take up the part. Dwayne's only 47.

  15. @Bob Greenwade: with green hair-dye, who would know?

  16. Hello room service, send up a room !September 24, 2019 at 8:28 PM

    @ Hey, Emsley Wyatt, I resemble that remark.

    emsley wyatt said...
    Have you done an "all doctors" team-up. Doc Sampson, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate, Doc Savage, etc.
    They could fight Doctor Doom, Doctor Light, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Destiny etc.
    September 24, 2019 at 11:21 AM

    SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 AT 8:11 AM
    Hello room service, send up a room ! said...
    Speaking of patience, Ross, how about a Doctor's convention? At 15, You have enough candidates in the labels for "An Unruly House Call!" Do no harm vs do no good.
