Monday, May 20, 2019

Black Canary and Black Cat

I'm glad when I get a chance to showcase the artwork of Alex Toth on this blog.  His artwork has amazed me since I was a kid.  I remember taking notice of his inventive panel layouts, something he had mastered years before most other artists started getting as experimental.  His character designs on the Super Friends cartoon really elevated that show for me, even with its limited animation, and they are the reason I'll still pop in an episode every now and then.

These two first met as members of the Black beauties way back in STF #299...


  1. bigjeffoh@aol.comMay 20, 2019 at 7:51 AM

    Always glad to see some Alex Toth. "Super Friends" was good, but his work on "Jonny Quest" was phenomenal!

  2. Ale was great, but he wasn't on Quest. Jonny was created and designed by comic book artist Doug Wildey.

  3. Thank you!
    I've been wanting to see this team-up for quite a while...

  4. Maybe the Black Cat can be paired with Casper the Friendy Ghost (or another kids' Harvey Comics favorite); they're both from the same company (though Casper (and some others) were originally owned by Paramount Pictures' Famous Studios (formerly Max Fleischer Studios (of Popeye fame))).

  5. @Jeff et Tobor: But, he was certainly the guiding light behind SPACE GHOST: TOS back in 1966. And for a certain then-seven-year-old Baby Boomer, Hanna-Barbera's animation, of Alex Toth's art, seemed only as limited as a child's imagination! ;-)

  6. Gary, Alex is famous for his work on Space Ghost alone! There have been books on him & Hanna Barbara works. Well deserved.

    Ross, how about 3 Li'l Dots with Daredevil. Will he be able to recover from the Dots Before His Eyes? 😱😱😱

  7. Actually, Alex Toth got his start, as a cartoon animator, with "Space Angel." The serial adventures of a swashbuckling spacefarer a la Flash Gordon. Only with Nick Fury's eyepatch...and Clutch Cargo's lips!

    That led to his work on "Space Ghost" which, in turn, led to his work on "The Herculoids," "Birdman & The Galaxy Trio" et al.

  8. hey, Ross how about an all Alex Tooth cover????
    like maybe Space Ghost meet Space Angel meet the Galaxy Trio.....
    just a humble suggestion from a fan of you both.....

  9. Oooops....
    i of course meant Alex Toth...
    from the Toth Fairy

  10. Hey, Alex Toth draws it and Alex Ross paints it. Now, there's an odd ream up.

  11. Our Ross should team them up as...

    "The Defenders of (Artistic*) Men!"

    *See, the name "Alexander" translates as "defender of men" and they're both artists and so...
