Friday, March 29, 2019

Captain America and Plastic Man

So, what's the deal with Plastic Man's goggles?  I had always assumed that like the rest of his costume, they were a permanent part of him as part of his condition - I had never seen him without them on.  But lately, I have seen a few artists depicting him without the goggles or at least lifting them up -  so has he been able to remove them this whole time or is that a new development?


  1. In "The Great Comic Book Heroes" by Jules Feiffer, which has Plas' origin, he is not wearing the goggles when he fell into the vat, and he wasn't wearing them when he woke up from the accident. Those are add-ons, like his costume.


  3. Plas carrying Cap over ground covered in landmines miles wide! If their powers were switched, would Steve be different than Ralph or Reed? Would he be able to find new ways to use his abilities? Would Eel feel less powerful with just the super soldier serum coursing thru him?
    Find out as they fight for the freedom of a little town called Eureka!

  4. Regarding comments with the last cover, what DID happen to No.2540?

  5. Given his shape-changing ability, I'd always assumed he formed them from the skin around his eyes! So nobody who was familiar with Eel O'Brian's normal face would recognize him.

  6. I think I'd just figure that lifting the goggles is a new development with the most recent reboot. ("Rebirth," isn't it?) That's notwithstanding Reg's citation, of course.

    Re: #2540: I suspect that it will be posted Monday. If it's what I think it is (a suggestion I made), you'll be glad Ross put the extra work into it.

  7. Sorry it's been a crazy few days personally. I think I just skipped 2540 by mistake, I'll post it tomorrow

  8. These two together, finally! Love it!

  9. When he was in JLA Plas was drawn without his goggles.

  10. Bob Greenwade said...
    "I think I'd just figure that lifting the goggles is a new development with the most recent reboot. ("Rebirth," isn't it?)"

    'Rebirth' was the last event that actually got announced as a reboot, but the 'Superman Reborn' story (which was just in Superman's own titles, not a crossover) "merged" the histories for the two most recent versions of Superman in a way that (in addition to meaning that Rebirth's romance between Superman & Wonder Woman no longer happened) brought a LOT of pre-Flashpoint events -- for other characters, as well as Superman -- back into continuity so arguably that should be counted as one as well..

  11. Oops! I meant to say Flashpoint's romance between Superman and Wonder Woman, NOT "Rebirth's"

  12. It's been established that those are his actual eyes. He can transform into other people if he wants so they can take whatever appearance he desires. When he "lifts" his goggles, he's moving his eyes elsewhere and forming another pair of eyes beneath them to look like other people's eyes. Shapeshifters are weird.

  13. "Hey! I resemble dat remark. Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!"
    ---Curly Meleon Boy

  14. As they used to say in vaudeville: "Get the hook!"
