Saturday, February 2, 2019

Thunderbird and Jonah Hex

Thunderbird's death in Uncanny X-Men #95 pretty shocking.  In those pre-internet, pre-spoiler days, I doubt that any fans saw it coming, particularly only three issues into the all new, all different line up.  What's even more surprising is that he never came back to life!


  1. I love this cover, especially Jonah's response:. He has had various interactions with time-travellers in the comics (and TV cartoons?), after all...

    Now, how about a team-up between the X-Men and ?Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds?

  2. Well, either this is a time-displaced John Proudstar; or his brother James making his own time-traveling debut.

  3. One has to wonder if this is the Earth-STF version of how the second line-up of X-men was formed. Only it's Darkseid--not Krakoa--that the original line-up has to be rescued from!

  4. What about Kraven the hunter vs Animal Man or B'wana Beast?

  5. Thunderbird got a lot of play for a character only in a three issues. I bought the X-Men issues when they came out and thought one was going to die.

    That comic Giant-Size X-Men #1 ended up being bought and sold by me a lot. I'd sell it when I needed money and then when I'd get paid or credit for trades I'd buy it back. I made a tiny mark on it filling in one of the 'o's and one time I ended up buying same issue I sold to someone else.

  6. @ Cary Comic - That's got me thinking, Ross could team up Metamorpho with the X-Men in that scenario. I even have the perfect title if it hasn't been used yet .... Krakoa, east of Java!

  7. Have Thunderbird & Mad Dog (Both Marvel) Team up in an Issue of IDW's 20/20 behind a Circle K! XD XD!

  8. Simreeve, surely the high tech Thunderbirds would team up with a high tech detective. Dick Tracy called in by John Tracy.

    Although it might be more fun to have Lady Penelope and Parker meet Alfred Pennyworth and Barbara Gordon. (Parker and Spiderman?)

  9. Well said, Isaac! Brother Barnes might finally have himself some stiff competition. :-)

  10. Isaac, the most incredible thing about the movie Krakatoa, East of Java, is that no-one bothered to look at a map. Krakatoa is west of Java.

    Which of course indicates another cover, Krakoa, (Wally) West, and Java (Simon Stagg's assistant).

  11. How about Thunderbird and Ultra Boy, since both have similar chest emblems?

    Maybe Jo Nah could turn out to be descended from one of the Proudstar brothers. ^_^

  12. Or, with a name like Jo Nah, he could turn out to be descended from the children of Earth-STF's John and Jennifer (nee Walters) Jameson.

  13. Oooh! Thanks, Kid. You just gave me an idea for a suggestion.

    Ultra Boy meets Spidey!

  14. @Simreeve: In Bruce Timm's Batman cartoon (at least the one with Ra's al Ghul's reminiscing of a son's adventures in the Old West), Jonah Hex appeared to be no more than a major guest character.

  15. I remember that episode! It not only featured Elizabeth Montgomery in her final TV role (special guest voice-over). It also had Robin disabling a ninja with a punch to the--ahem!--short sword.

  16. @Cary Comic how did he disable him if he only punched him in his "private member-ship" and not his goolies (stones, cajones, family jewels)? Did he have "the thunderous applause"& a "leaky faucet" ? Zhee Willikers these euphemisms are fun. :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @Brother Barnes: as the Buddhists like to say...

    "Everything is connected."


  19. My favorite entries are the ones that I never would have thought of myself in a million years. This is definitely one of them.

  20. Jonah Hex VS Nero IN Hex and Violins Special Musical guests ThE eXpLoItEd!

  21. Or, better yet, Jonah Hex vs. the Gunslinger from WEST WORLD THE MOVIE!

    We could call it a "Hexploitation" film.

  22. @Cary Comic yes, yes we could. No Hexplination required.

  23. Matter Eater Lad & Jonah Hex in: Invitation to a Gun Biter!
