Monday, February 25, 2019

Carrie Kelly: Robin and Hit-Girl

I liked that the animated version of The Dark Knight Returns was broken into two parts because the result was a very complete version of the classic story.  Some of DC's adaptations have had to be condensed to fit in the usual 70-minute run-time.  I haven't checked out the new Death of Superman / Reign of the Supermen adaptations yet, but I am glad they didn't try to squeeze that event into a single movie as well.


  1. I know it don't connect to this team up but it just hit me: Sergeant Rock .....and Sad Sack.

  2. ...rounded out with the inclusion of Sgt. Fury and Beetle Baily to fill out this military team....
    i really like this Robin and Hit Girl team up a great deal....

  3. On the other hand, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDERVERSE (winner of the 2019 Oscar for Best Animated Feature) was two-hours shorter than last nights telecast of the 91st Annual Academy Awards...and twice as funny.

  4. What a coincidence! I felt the same way about the Johnny Carson rerun, from 1979, on Antenna TV. And, what's more? The ASPCA public service messages were more socially relevant than half of the presenter and acceptance speeches, put together!

  5. Regarding today's cover-sim, however? I don't see this mistaken identity slugfest lasting as long as one between two guys. Simply due to the absence of hyper-competitive testosterone.

    Or is that reverse-sexism?

  6. @Jackel; I can almost hear the Sergeants now: "These clowns are the worst recruits I've ever seen!"

  7. @Ross: they originally did do an adaptation of "Death of Superman" as a single animated movie several years ago called "Superman: Doomsday"

  8. Yes, I am still cringing from the portrayal of Luthor in that one.

  9. Hey! They can't all be voiced over by Clancy Brown or Jackson Beck.

  10. "No I'm not going to wash my hands because I'm EVIL." - Wally West inside Lex Luthor's body.
