Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Black Canary Vs. Bullseye

The first images and set photos from Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) have been released, and I can't say I am impressed with what I am seeing.  Quinn herself looks OK, but Black Canary, Huntress and Black Mask are unrecognizable.  It doesn't seem liked DC is learning anything form the success of Wonder Woman and Aquaman, which more closely embraced their comic book roots. Frankly this looks like a cheap TV series so far, hopefully as more is released I will be proven wrong.

This is only Part One of a Two-Part tale, so make sure you come back tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!


  1. Awesome cover!!!
    Is it time to give up on live action? I love DC and the DC characters, but it seems like comics and animation are better than live action. Outside of the Arrowverse...
    (I'd argue that Oliver Queen is THE most Marvel DC character. I'd probably lose the argument, but I'd still argue it...)

  2. Frankly, I don't think any tele-version of BoP could possibly surpass the one-season wonder that co-starred Shemar Moore (pre-CRIMINAL MINDS) as the trio's GCPD contact.

    With regard to this morning's cover? WOW! You're certainly on a role with the Lance family! A Golden Age encounter with the Blonde Phantom. An early Silver Age encounter with Iron Man and the Black Widow. Now, this?

    I can only surmise that you must've been inspired by a re-reading of one of the "Elseworlds Generations" trade paperbacks.

  3. This looks like it came straight from a radio show, all you need is the mood music.
    Tonight's tale: Contract on a canary. Midnight at the warehouse finds a deadly encounter at the start of our next chapter.... Whew!!

    Just how big is your collection, Ross? Some of your art pieces deserve to be made into dioramas.

  4. The diorama idea has a lot going for it. Hero-clix would be a great place to start. Marvel and DC are out there, and at 1/48th scale, there's no shortage of building materials for "O" scale model railroad stuff.

  5. I have no idea how big my collection of images is, if that's what you're asking about. I have them broken up into four folders - Marvel, DC, Other and Backgrounds... each has hundreds of images with more being added every day.

  6. Now, besides loving this cover in its own right, det_Tobor has me feeling like actually writing out an audio drama for this story. I'd have to see what tomorrow's cover brings, but it might just be possible to talk me into it.

  7. Great cover Ross. But don't blame DC for these poor movie get ups. I suspect WB for all this. They still have a thing for the New 52 for some reason even though the fans don't like it.

  8. 2500 issues plus and still going strong, although it's an even money bet part 2 of "Contract on a Canary" will feature either Daredevil or Elektra with Green Arrow.
    In any event, keep up the great work Ross!

  9. I learned from Comicbooks & my own research that Hell's Kitchen is a real place & Suicide Slum (DC Comics) is a fictional location.

  10. Off-topic: How about Borther Voodoo vs. Houngan, the voodoo villain from the Brotherhood of Evil (usually foes of the Titans and the Doom Patrol)?

  11. *sigh* BROTHER Voodoo, that is.

  12. Or, failing that, Dr. Voodoo (Fawcett) vs. his villainous Nedor namesake.

  13. On earth STF, Penny and Brain (Inspector Gadget) should join Birds of Prey.

  14. Gadget could also be a fun match up with Plastic Man and Woozy Winks.

  15. Or the inspector could share an adventure with his murine namesake.

  16. @Anonymous #2 How about Penny and Brain vs Pinky and the Brain?

  17. Cary, what about Nick Fury and Danger Mouse? Eye, eye, captain.

  18. @Anonymous: why not? Like the Transformers, there's more to them than meets the eye.


  19. For some reason there is a common idea in movie producers they good do comics better than comic writers but they rarely try for very long. This occurs due to difficulty of finding actors which fit characters, difficulty of doing scenes as well as comics can do and frankly directors'/producers' egos. Look at atrocious Flash costume in JL (First TV series did a better job), Fox's Leather X-Men outfit, etc. They may produce comic based movies but they are rarely fans.

  20. Glenn Host, a lot of bad costumes also comes from wanting to do your own brand of merchandising since it pays differently to the owner than if you're pure to the source. A new movie - time for a new take on Spiderman's costume, more merchandise for the movie maker to sell. That's part of what they're investing in.

  21. I'm afraid, with regard to Wolverine's movie costume, they were right.
    The gold-and-black costume works well on the comic page. But, in the original X-flick? Hugh Jackman would've looked more like Siamese Cat Man!
