Sunday, January 13, 2019

Black Widow Vs. Deathstroke

Natasha is clearly referring here to the events of STF #2377...

We have seen Deathstroke in live action before,  but my favorite stories of his feature him up against The New Teen Titans, particularly The Judas Contract.  Maybe DC Streaming Service will feature an adaptation of that on Titans if the series continues.  The animated version was OK, but I'd lilk to see something closer to the comics version.


  1. My favourite Deathstroke story is his brief appearance in 20-years-into-a-dark-future section of the JSA's 'Axis of Evil' storyline, not long before Flashpoint. We last saw him there/then, depowered (like everybody else on the heroes' side), running into a fight with some of the villains' troops -- to buy time for the heroes -- after saying something along the lines of
    "Outnumbered, outgunned, everything riding on our slim chance of success: This is what I was born for!"

    If you haven't read that story (which was reissued as a trade paperback) then find it: It's GOOD!

  2. From what I remember of "The Judas Contract" (and one panel in particular), any live-action film based on it would have to be rated R!

  3. I would love to see Batman & The Outsiders vs The New Mutants. You could either use the early version of New Mutants or the later version with Cable. I could see Batman vs Profess or X or Cable, Geo-Force vs Cannonball, Black Lightning vs Sunspot, Metamorpho vs Warlock or Warpath, Katanna vs Magik or Shatterstar, and Halo vs Magma or Boom Boom. I would also love to see the Silver Age Legion of Superheroes vs The Avengers (Wasp/Shrinking Violet, Giant Man/Colossal Kid, Iron Man/Cosmic Boy, etc).

    I also like to see something like those old JLA covers with the heads of the heroes lined down the sides of the cover.

  4. I really like the way he's been portrayed on Arrow. Any other fans? I just find Oliver Queen to be amazingly forgiving since he did kill his Mother. I know Slade was out of his mind on the mirakuru drug at the time, but still....

  5. Outstanding cover, Ross! The Black Widow art definitely looks like it's from the same run as #2377, even though the two covers don'e have any artists (or, at least, tagged names) in common. Are those the Ultimate version?

    @Wolfhammer: The Arrowverse producers have often surprised me with the things they take liberties with, and the things that they make true to the comics. A small detail that I've enjoyed is that Barry Allen still has his ongoing problem with tardiness, but I continue to have my mind blown realizing that their version of Slade Wilson is actually a nice guy. (I do think that Oliver blames the Mirakuru rather than Slade; in fact, somewhere in my mind I think he's said as much.)

    General: I don't recall whether I've ever read The Judas Contract, but based on the above remarks I think I'll want to see if I can give it a go. What little I can recall tells me that it would probably work best on Titans. Also, Simreeve has me interested in Axis of Evil.

  6. The Answer Man said...

    "I also like to see something like those old JLA covers with the heads of the heroes lined down the sides of the cover."

    Those covers were great!

    I suggested once before using that cover format for JLA vs. The Mr. Men, and I'd still love to see that.

    Another weird option would be a sort of sequel to JLA/Avengers with super heroes against characters from the daily newspapers: Thor vs. Hagar the Horrible (or Helga), Wolverine or Timberwolf vs. Dagwood Bumstead (same barber?), Adam Strange vs. Spaceman Spiff (or Flash Gordon) etc.

    Any chance,Ross?

  7. Anything is possible, but I'd have to find cartoony versions of the superheroes to go with the comic strip stars so that's somewhat of a challenge.

    I've used the heroes heads on the sides motif before, STF #300 comes to mind

    1. That's what I thought at first, but the more I think about it, the more it sounds possible to have a story where the newspaper line art is the result of an evil weapon invented by the golden age Lex Luthor, or the Toyman or some other super villain from the whacky period of comic writing.

  8. Since newspapers are dying, most of those classic newspaper comic strip characters are going to fade into obscurity. In a few years only the ones that are being used in other media (like Peanuts) will be remembered. It's a shame that Hagar, Dagwood, Beetle Bailey, Snuffy Smith, Dennis the Menace, BC, Andy Capp, etc are going to fade away.

  9. How true, Answer Man! In the immortal words of Robert Frost:

    "Nothing gold can stay."

    To which most Millenials would probably say:

    "Robert Frost? You mean, that smart-ass superhero from 'Rise of the Guardians?' "

    1. Is that Killer Frost's brother?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "That's what I thought at first, but the more I think about it, the more it sounds possible to have a story where the newspaper line art is the result of an evil weapon invented by the golden age Lex Luthor, or the Toyman or some other super villain from the whacky period of comic writing."

    There was a Golden Age villain called Funnyman, who'd invented a device that let him bring characters like that into the real world (and turn real people into cartoon ones): He called up a selection of villains to steal money on his behalf. Originally he fought against Superman, but [shortly] post-Crisis that was retconned to have been various regular members of the All-Star Squadron instead. In either case, a hero pointed out at the end that he could probably have made more money by patenting & licencing use of the device for more legitimate purposes (filming the characters 'live action', instead of having to use an animation studio, being one that springs to my mind...) and he said something along the lines of "Why didn't I think of that?"


  11. @both my namesakes: Nope! Jack Frost is the illegimate half-brother of Queen Elsa of Arundel (by Snow Miser, I think).

  12. @all three anonymii: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  13. @Anonymous You're too much Ba-Bump Bump Bump Ba-Rump. ;)
