Saturday, January 12, 2019

Animal Man, Man-Thing and Concrete (Vs. The A-V-M Man!)

When I first featured this trio together in STF #2425, more than one commenter felt it only natural that they face off against the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, so - here you go!

Today is my 50th Birthday,  and I honestly still feel very young at heart. This blog has been a part of that - reading, collecting and creating comics brought me a lot of happiness as a kid and this project has helped me stay in touch with the good feelings that the hobby brings.


  1. How lucky to be born on January 12th! The debut of Adam West and Burt Ward as The Dynamic Duo! That's a super birthday! Happy 50th! Thank you for the daily treat!

  2. Happy Birthday, Ross! I remember when I turned 50... back in November 2018. Maybe growing up with the same comics is part of how much your art appeals so much to me. Like the old joke about going to different schools together. Debates about whether this D.C. Hero could beat that Marvel hero happening in schoolyards instead of online, Megos and Big Jim, Superman vs. Spider-Man 20 years before Amalgam... You capture the feel of a time before anyone-even the creators- knew the characters would be in mainstream big budget blockbuster films. I am glad you get to relivevthe good parts of youth and grateful that you share it.

  3. Happy Birthday, Ross. I'll be 50 next year. I still act like a little kid at times.
    I really enjoy the different combinations you come up with everyday. I'm not sure if you ever did a Batman meets Groot.
    "I am Groot." "I'm Batman." The competition could go on all day.
    Anyway, thanks for everything. Happy Birthday

  4. Happy Birthday, Ross! I thought that we were close in age. I will be 50 on December 20 this year. I have the distinction of sharing a birthday with former Kiss drummer Peter Criss and with Star Trek DSN cast member Nicole de Boer. Of course, the former is somewhat older than I, and the latter is a year younger.

    Anyway, I enjoy coming on here each day and seeing what you have put up. have seen some of the coolest ideas here. I have repeated many times that the powers that be at these publications really should take note and consider publishing some of these stories. Many of these stories are exactly as Patrick put it, an online version of the school yard debates about which DC characters would beat which Marvel characters and vice versa.

    Thank you for what you do, and enjoy this day. God has given you a half century on His Earth. I hope that this milestone birthday is a good one for you.

  5. Happy Birthay Ross! I recently turned 57, and agree your posts take me back to those days of DC/Marvel rivalry and the general fun of comics! Most new stuff seems like totally new characters that barely resemble the old, and different story styles don't appeal much. Some of the movies are at least interesting but not the characters I grew up with.
    This combination and yesterday's somehow bring classic and more modern together in a great way! As often is said, these are comics I would love to read!

  6. I too , want to chime in and wish you a very happy 50th birthday , Ross ! I love coming to your blog everyday !

  7. Happy Birthday, Ross! I turned 50 last year as well...something several in this blog have in common. And like everyone else, thank you so much for your work. It is thrilling to see, and it does bring the kid back out, not only to mention so many memories.

  8. Happy Birthday, Ross.....
    your continued commitment to this wonderful blog is so greartly appreciated by myself and your many other fans.....
    we all look forward to each new creative cover each new day....
    you have yet to disappoint this 63 year old fan.....
    have a great birthday, my friend...

  9. Happy birthday, Ross! Too bad I didn't make one of your covers into a birthday card and send it to you, they are always a bright spot in the day.

  10. Happy birthday, Ross! You're still a kid. I turn 60 this summer. (Hal Jordan and I debuted the same week.)

  11. Well, happy birthday, buddy! Make the most of it!

  12. Happy Birthday, Ross!

    (I'm rapidly approaching 59: I was already reading comics back when the letters page in Captain America's was called "Let's Rap With Cap"....)

  13. I'll join the crowd wishing you a Happy Birthday, Ross. Unfortunately for me, 50 is so far in the rear-view mirror I barely remember it. I started reading just about the time the original JLA was formed!

  14. Happy Birthday Ross, and forgive me for asking all those questions in the past on your covers. Like you it's a hobby with me to break everything down to the basic comic book.

  15. Well, happy birthday, Ross! In the future, I think you should make all January 12 covers as self-indulgent as possible -- Batman and the Thing, Outsiders and Fantastic Four, more WW/Cap, more Robo-Force, or whatever you'd be requesting if you were reading. (Kind of like how I'd be asking for the Klutzy Commandos for May 11... if I was asking.)

    As for this trio, maybe some time in the future they can board the HMS Pinafore (maybe for a confrontation with the Riddler and/or some opera-themed villain).

  16. Happy 50th, Ross Pearsall! I turned fifty recently. Sometimes it's hard...or so I've heard! ;)

    BTW Whoever created the AVM Man must've had issues...or a rapidly approaching deadline! LOL

  17. Have a fantastic birthday, Ross!

  18. Happy Birthday and thanks for all the years of awesome covers! Been a happy reader for many years now and hope to be reading for many more.

  19. Happy 50th Birthday, Ross!

    P.S.---I finally agree with everyone else that this confrontation is 100% natural and, perhaps, long overdue. But, I still have to wonder if this triple-feature of power might be exploited by Dr. Doom through that Ovoid body-swapping process he once used on Daredevil.

  20. Happy Birthday

    I would love to see Batman & The Outsiders vs The New Mutants. You could either use the early version of New Mutants or the later version with Cable. I could see Batman vs Profess or X or Cable, Geo-Force vs Cannonball, Black Lightning vs Sunspot, Metamorpho vs Warlock or Warpath, Katanna vs Magik or Shatterstar, and Halo vs Magma or Boom Boom. I would also love to see the Silver Age Legion of Superheroes vs The Avengers (Wasp/Shrinking Violet, Giant Man/Colossal Kid, Iron Man/Cosmic Boy, etc).

  21. @Daviticus : AVM Man was a Doom Patrol villain. Need I say more? ;)

  22. Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! You made a fun day even better!

  23. Is it just me or is AVM Man staring at Man-Thing's junk?

  24. "...Man-Thing's junk."

    I remember a stand-up comic stating how that used to be two different names for the same (ahem!) object.

  25. At least that isn't Giant-Size Man-Thing's junk...


  26. Btw: was it just coincidence that this trio recurred forty issues apart? Or were you initially planning to use that system on a regular basis for them?
