Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Spider-Man on the Planet of the Apes

I recently watched the original Planet of The Apes again, and it was as fun as I remembered.  Even for someone who can't speak for half of the film, Charlton Heston has a ton of screen presence.  The soundtrack really stood out to me as well, it really sets the tone and I am glad that composers of the new movies used it for inspiration.  The experience took me back to my youth, watching the film in wide-eyed amazement with my brothers.


  1. It's funny. Just before I came here, I was looking up how many Planet of the Apes movies there were in the originals run. I couldn't for the life of me remember it was five.

    The original really is one of the true sci-fi classics. Engaging, fun, disturbing, and commenting on the world. It is everything Sciene Fiction should be.

    Its really impressive that you were able to match the two characters so well.

    Still hopin' against hope you'll do a Hanukah cover, but even not these covers are a great holiday treat... so I guess everyday is a holiday.

  2. With Christmas being only 3 weeks away, a great present would likely be either (or both) Pokemon Let's Go game (and, if necessary, a Nintendo Switch); if they're as good a distraction in their game play as the handheld games, and Pokemon Go, they should make great substitutes for "wenches", especially in the #MeToo era.

  3. I do have to wonder how the Apes would have reacted if one of the astronauts was John Jameson, the Man-Wolf. I don't know if they would know what to make of a humanoid wolf.
    Planet of the Apes crossovers are rather neat, through. Now, over a decade ago there had been a crossover with Planet of the Apes and Alien Nation. And more recently there have been 2 crossovers of Planet of the Apes and Green Lantern. And of course one with Star Trek: The Original Series. And another Planet of the Apes crossover with King Kong.

  4. tarzan on planet of apes or john carter

  5. Flash/Grodd seems like a natural pairing with POTA.

  6. Wow! This is your best one, yet, Ross. You really captured the high quality realism of the original publicity still. As this was uploading, frame by frame, I thought (for the first couple of seconds) that I was looking at Taylor's severed head!!

  7. @Anonymous 3: Maybe also Tarzan and Keenan Crier (Digimon).

  8. Peter when they head to the Subway It's time to leave the solar system Very Quickly!

  9. Wonderful cover! I see that there have been suggestions for holiday covers. How about Flash and Santa? They are on a race against time to save X-mas.

  10. How about Santa's reindeer team led by "Wreck-It Rudolph?" As in, Rudy's body...and Ralph's head. You know; like that meme in RALPH WRECKS THE INTERNET.

  11. I was impressed by the ape makeup. Though rustic by today's standards, it was groundbreaking and innovative at the time. I especially enjoyed the TV series, with its occasional odd approaches to stories.

    As for POTA covers, on the whole I'd like to see Booster Gold land there... or maybe Ambush Bug.

  12. @ both Anonymous--Tarzan was on the Planet of the Apes...It was done by Boom Studios in 2016.

  13. Christmas wish cover: Son of Satan meets Santa Claus.
    PS - Still waiting for that John Carter/Travis Morgan team-up!

  14. Holiday suggestion: One of the Comics Cavalcade (Golden Age GL, WW, & Flash) X-Mas covers mashed up with one of the Marvel Holiday Special covers.

  15. On a more serious note: is this really Spidey? Or just a reconstituted Timespinner?*

    *Silver Age Kang the Conqueror's "Spider-mandroid" from AVENGERS v.1/#11.

  16. Rob Cline said...
    "Christmas wish cover: Son of Satan meets Santa Claus."

    Marvel actually did a short story in one issue of either 'What If?' or 'What The!' in which the management, having decided that they couldn't use the name Satan any longer, told Daimon Hellstrom that he was being renamed & re-themed as 'Son of Santa'!
    Cue a panel or two of rather ridiculous conflict...


  17. Spidey to gorillas: "Excuse me. Have either of you seen a chimpanzee dressed like Sherlock Holmes go by here in the last three hundred issues?"

  18. Charlton to Spidey: "It was 381! But, who's counting?"
