Wednesday, October 10, 2018

White Tiger and Mister Miracle

It would be cool to see at least one of the incarnations of The White Tiger to show up on the Netflix shows.  Daredevil is my first thought, given some of the story lines they have shared, but he (or she) would probably fir in well on any of the series.  It could be just the boost needed for the character to rekindle popularity in the comics.


  1. I'd rather see him in a silver screen sequel to DAREDEVIL and ELEKTRA.

    I can see it, now. Hector Ayala is arrested on some trumped-up charge after buying some green tiger-shaped jewelry for his sister (or some other female acquaintance). He is defended by Matt Murdock who is subsequently contacted by his ex-girlfriend because she has recognized the jewelry from her studies in Japan.

  2. Maybe White Tiger could meet Black Panther!

  3. It seems that Marvel has settled on the female version of White Tiger, as she was a regular on a couple of seasons of the Spider-man cartoon, along the that universe's version of Luke Cage,Iron Fist, and Nova. If "Iron Fist" season 3 does turn into "Daughters of the Dragon" as some folks have suggested, she would be a good choice for at least a sub-plot even if she didn't join the group.

  4. I don't know if it is still on YouTube but Castle's Jon Huertas played White Tiger in a short fan.

  5. The Butt Ugly Martians meet The Biker Mice From Mars at the M.I.B.Headquarters.

  6. The Maxx (Image) gets lost in T.J. Maxx (Retail department store) with Maxwell Smart (Tv Series) Get Smart as his guide being chased by Maximilian (Disney The Black Hole).

  7. @Brother Barnes: or better yet? Biker Mice vs. Savage Dragon vs. the Mighty Ducks vs. Goliath's Gargoyles!

    I can see it, now.

    LORD DRAGAUNUS: "Ah, Wraith! How went the negotiations in Chicago?"

    WRAITH: "I had no trouble persuading Lawrence Limburger, Milord. But, the self-proclaimed Overlord of the Vicious Circle initially proved quite difficult. He said something in my tone of voice made him not trust me!"

    DRAGAUNUS: "Really? How odd. That Severius fellow said something in _my_ voice made him feel confident the plan would work!"


  8. @Brother Kellymatthew Barnes: How about the Plutarkians (Biker Mice...) visit Effie (Piranha Club) in Bayonne, NJ; it could explain why they setup shop in Chicago instead of NYC. Also George Jetson finds himself in Szczecin, Poland (LOL).

  9. How about Mako takes over the Vicious Circle with the aid of the brainwashed Street Sharks? Leading Overlord and the Savage Dragon being forced to work together!

  10. @Cary: who would do the brainwashing; and how?

  11. @Anonymous: Dr. Paradigm and Leech! Who else?

  12. @Carycomic: if you mean "Horde" (who was a collectively conscious school of leeches), then I agree.

  13. Anonymous better yet "savage dragon" gets fully castrated and cries 100's of gallons of delicious tears. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAw! XD XD XD XD XD !!!

  14. @Brother Barnes: that would cause too much confusion with Image's other She-dragon. LOL!

  15. @Brother Barnes: Yes! Thanks for another good inspiration.

    Elmer Fudd as St. George.

    "Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting savage dwagons. Hahahahahahahahaha!"
