Monday, October 8, 2018

Howard the Duck enters The House of Mystery

As I kid, I liked the fact that DC's horror titles would mix a little humor in with the scary goings-on. Giving Sergio Aragones a page or two to do his thing, or having Cain make darkly funny introductions to the stories and torment his brother Abel helped to offset some of the dark themes within.  It was a mix that worked for me and helped make the tales of murder and evil deeds more palatable.


  1. Since Howard first appeared in an issue of Adventure into Fear having him in House of Mystery isn't too ludicrous a stretch :D
    As for spookyish matchups how about Doctor Who & The X-Files?

  2. Be careful, Howard. Or Cain might turn you into a swimming pool life preserver for his brother!*

    *See STF #2281.

  3. I'm glad that you used the classic look for Howard, Ross. Now that Disney owns Marvel, why couldn't we see an actual Howard/Donald/Uncle Scrooge crossover?

  4. With Rubberduck of the Zoo Crew representing DC, into the bargain!

  5. I wasn't talking about a Howard/Donald/Uncle Scrooge crossover on this website (although I certainly would not be opposed to that). I was talking about a real world Howard/Donald/Uncle Scrooge comic book story.

    If Ross was going to do an all duck cover on this website, I'd certainly advocate including Daffy and maybe Baby Huey.

    For a title I would suggest any of the following: "Ducks Amok", "Duck Season", "Calling All Ducks" or "Don't Mind Me; I'm Only Here For the Quackers".

  6. @TJW - Ross did an all duck cover. Fowl Force

  7. Howard is looking kind of... down. Duck down. #BadPunNoCookie

  8. Where are the Counts Duckula (UK) & Quackula (USA) when we need them!?! Magica DeSpell could be behind these nefarious doings.

  9. Doctor Who Supernatural crossover: one doesn't have magic, the other doesn't have Aliens from Outer space. What elements of what universe would survive, or would they cancel each other out? This Looks like a Job for Cthulhu!

  10. "Call Cth'ulu! That's the name.
    And pouring down come
    Troubles (like Noah's Rain)."
