Sunday, October 28, 2018

Fin Fang Foom Vs. The Metal Men

The Metal Men always had an eclectic rogues gallery, and I think that Fin Fang Foom would fit right in with them. He is giant and menacing, and likes to make grand speeches.  Plus,  his big purple gym shorts make him just goofy enough to work in a story with Doc Magnus' amazing robots.


  1. Well, in all fairness, Ross, I think those shorts had something to do with the old Comics Code Authority. The Metal Men never had to wear the equivalent of them because they had built-in infertility. Whereas Triple F, being a male dragon fro outer space, presumably had reproductive organs roughly the size of Jupiter!

    Hence, the modest-as-possible covering.

  2. Stegron the Dinosaur man, a once-human anthropomorphic stegosaurus mutate(?), a later Marvel character was drawn as a naked creature (like most animals); also Fin Fang Foom's shorts (in Fin's position, at least) are not showing.

  3. The above Anonymous echoed my thought: If you're going to make fun of his shorts, at least show them! :)

    Also, I think I'd want the heroes listed first on a cover; here, it's the villain... unless, of course, it's a clue that FFF is the hero here, and the MM are the ones being needlessly antagonistic.

    In all other respects, though, I think that this cover is wonderfully exciting!

    As for the Metal Men, I never realized that they had a "Combine" ability like this. Well, Iron may be the leader, but in this case Gold is the head of the team! #BadPunNoCookie

    That said, I'd love to see a live-action take on the Metal Men. Doing this quintet as Mocap/CGI characters might be too much budget for a TV show, especially since they'd probably be on DC Universe, but they might work on the big screen.

    @Cary: The thing of that is, Fin Fang Foom is a dragon, which is usually thought of as a reptile. Thus, he'd have a cloaca, and thus be externally indistinguishable from females, at least in that regard.

  4. @Bob actually Gold was their field commander as per Doc. I love the team's combining power into Alloy. This didn't come out until the 80s and I think the first time was in DCCP w/ Superman.

  5. I still don't understand the name. He has fins. I presume (although we can't see them) that he has fangs.

    What the frippin' frack is a foom? (I've read Stan's description of how he named the character. I'm just being silly.)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I thinkl the name "fin Fang Foom" is a Chinese language name (Fin Fang Foom).

  8. I meant "Fin Fang Fum".

  9. If this dragon entered the world of a certain magical beanstalk, we could get the line "Fee fi fo fum, Fin Fang Foom!"

  10. @BG: I wasn't making fun of the shorts. I was praising their modesty-preserving practicality! Hermaphroditic cloaca or plain old gonads; my point is I wouldn't have wanted to see either one. Some stuff was--and still is--better left to the imagination.*

    *Which is why I never became an avid collector of the Vertigo books from DC.

  11. FOOM = Friends Of Old Marvel, it's a 70's Thang.

  12. Why haven't they created an all Black Gender reversal of the Fantastic Four? We could Finally have MS Thang and she could date KANG & Krang (Marvel's Own Atlantean Blue Skinned Ming The Merciless Look Alike). Who want's to name the rest of the New Family Team: Tha Fo-Sho?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I gave him the "Knight" off.

    Get it? Knights; dragons?


  15. I bet Jack Kirby's other memorable dragon-monster, Grogg, could beat the stuFFFing out of tall, green, and pyro-breathing.

  16. Come on, Ross. Use Disney's giant and do Bob G's suggestion. "Fee fi fo fum, Fin Fang Foom!"

  17. @ Anonymous: I prefer the classic Wood Woodpecker version of the old tale.

    Giant: "Fee fi fo fum! I smell (sniff-sniff!)...I smell (sniff-sniff!)."

    Woody: "You sure do, brother! And how!! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!!!"

  18. Cary Comic Ha-Ha Wa-Hoo-Hoo HA-HA Wa Hoo Hoo, *Rapid Pecking Ensues*.

  19. @Anonymous1107: Triple F's shorts are green to match his scaly epidermis
