Friday, September 7, 2018

Spider-Man and Wild Dog

Costume variants are pretty commonplace today, but when Spider-Man first got his black costume from Secret Wars, it was a pretty big deal.  I remember thinking it would only stick around for an issue or two, and being surprised at how long it lasted.  Plus, the whole alien symbiote angle was an inventive concept that has spawned new characters and storylines in the decades since.  That was a costume change that truly counted.


  1. I was in the 8th grade when that happened and everyone was shocked, baffled, pleased or upset. That last time emotios were so mixed about a change in a characters physical appearance was when Storm was given a punk mohawk!! The guys in the schoolyard, including me, were none to happy!! I was livid!! Anyone remember that?

  2. I wonder if Storm would have been cuter in a SIMPLE ONE-PIECE "bathing suit", not the side-abdomen baring outfit she at least once wore.

  3. The next time we see Wild Dog, I hope it's with Casey Jones (of TMNT fame). Maybe they can be fighting Jason Voorhees....

    I recall those costume changes on Spider-Man and Storm. I found Spidey's rather intriguing, wondering what was going on with it. I wasn't crazy about Storm's, though it did fit what she was going through at the time so I rolled with it and ended up liking everything but the Mohawk.

  4. Did you see Wild Dog's appearances in last year's Cave Carson series?

  5. @my namesake above: The outfit she wore for the first ten years of Chris Claremont's reign was kind of a one-piece swimsuit. Albeit, with thigh-high boots and a cape! In other words, sort of like Zatanna's "heroic" pre-COIE outfit.

    Only better-looking on Storm than Zee!

  6. @Anonymous #1: Speaking of Storm in a "one-piece bathing suit," did you ever see her 1976 appearance in Spidey Super Stories #15? It was a version of her original uniform, censored for the kiddies so it showed less skin.
