Saturday, September 1, 2018

Nova and The Omega Men

With the Nova Corps established in Guardians of the Galaxy and Marvel about to expand its cosmic scope again with the upcoming Captain Marvel, I think that the time is right to start thinking about bringing Nova himself to the big screen.  He's got a great look - including that iconic helmet - so hopefully the when and if  he makes the move to live action, filmmakers will allow him to wear it for more than a few moments at a time (I'm looking at you, Thor).


  1. Growing up, Nova was one of my favorite characters. I especially liked the What If? story of him being four other people. That consisted of four stories, one of which featured Peter Parker becoming Nova. I also liked him on the cartoon with Spidey, White Tiger, and Iron First. However, I don't believe it was Rich Ryder that time. Still the concept of the Nova character has always been so cool to me, and I am hopeful that we will see Nova in live action some time soon.

  2. (I'm looking at you, Thor).

    And let's not forget the helmetless adventures of Judge Dredd. Actually... let's please forget...

  3. The Super-Centurion Nova helmets were a major MacGuffin in the GOTG cartoon, which heavily featured the new young Nova. And the cartoons have been fairly reliable "test runs" for including characters in the movies, so I'd say there's a good chance Nova will show up eventually.

  4. With regard to today's cover? It looks like Arnim Zola has cloned multiple hybrids of Sinestro and the Silver Age Leader!*

    *Either that, or Nova's gotten on the bad side of Jemm's people.

  5. @Cary: Hey! There's an idea.

    Thanos vs. Jemm of Saturn.

  6. @ Mickey I had that What If issue as a child. I gave it away but a few years ago I found another copy at a comic store and it is in my collection today. I think I have almost all the issues of Nova. I liked his return in the New Warriors and his spin off book was ok. EriK Larson's 7 issue run was okay. Dan Abbott's run was great. I felt it ended too quickly. The 3 recent runs with the younger Nova are ok but Nova could be better. Hopefully Abbott will return. I followed the Omega Men from their first appearance in Green Lantern to Action Comics and then to Teen Titans. I was excited when they got their own book but disappointed when it was direct sales only (it was the 80s and there was no comic shop near me growing up).

  7. ...hey, what if Will Smith's movie superhero made a movie about the founding father who sings and called it...
    ...wait for it...
    Hancock: the Musical!!!
    ...because DJ Jazzy Jeff needs the work...

  8. Cary got close with Sinestro. The enemies are an alien race of arrogant supermind types whom Hal Jordan called "The Headmen"; I assume they had their own name for themselves.

  9. Oh yeah--the original story depicted on the cover had Hal in place of Nova, and the story ended with Hal and the Omega Men fleeing the Headmens' world.

    But not from the Headmen.

    From the oncoming Psions, who were overjoyed to find such interesting experimental subjects as the Headmen.

    "My, here's a unique specimen. It shall be interesting to find out how much cranial fluid it contains."

  10. The Green Lantern Corps versus the Nova Corps?

  11. I remember seeing Thor donning the helmet in Ragnarok, and thinking, "Well, Ross should be at least a little happy about that!" But yes, the helmet is even more an iconic part of Nova.

    Separate topic: I recently started watching the Twisted Toonz channel on YouTube, where veteran voice actors are brought together to read familiar movie scripts in the voices of cartoon characters and celebrity impressions. One of the scenes had Townsend Coleman reading Luke Skywalker as the Tick (look for the first part of "The Empire Strikes Back"), and it made me think that ol' Big Blue would be fun to see dropped into the SWU.

  12. Broot is a great tragic figure of the 1980's.

  13. "Captain Buckethead able to Carry 2 buckets at the same time." - Ultimate Spider-Man (Disney XD)

  14. @Brother Barnes: Sounds more like a sarcastic reference to Forbush Man.

  15. Cary Comic Irving Forbush was mentioned a few times on Ultimate Spider-Man, also remember Nova Rubbed Ultimate Spider-Man the wrong way from his 1st introduction on that show, plusd they both had to live together through most of the series.

  16. Cary Comic by the by Stan the Janitor (Voiced by Stan Lee) was the one that mentioned Irving Forbush.

  17. My local cable provider doesn't carry any of the Disney channels. So, I haven't seen any tele-versions of Miles Morales.

  18. Cary Comic I watched Ultimate Spiderman on Netflix and various english language social platforms.
