Monday, August 20, 2018

Zorro and Vigilante

One thing I liked about Vigilante's animated appearances is that we got to see one aspect of his character that is often overlooked in the comics - that he's a singing superhero! I loved when he showed up on Batman: The Brave and The Bold and narrated the battle through song.  He didn't croon on Justice League Unlimited, but he did get to have an episode with the rest of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, so that was a treat to see as well.


  1. What does Zorro think he is, the Flash?

  2. Nice matching of artwork.

    Does anyone else remember a comic where the Batman teamed up with the Vig's nephew, Swashbuckler, when he followed the Riddler to Texas? Did that character ever appear again?

    I also have an unrelated suggestion: The Sneetches and Starman.

  3. From the word balloon, it would seem he thinks he's the personal partner of John Henry Irons.

  4. @Ross: or, if you can't decide which version of Starman to use for Anon #2's suggestion, how about Big Bird and the Sneetches vs. Starro the Conuqeroro?*

    *I leave it to your imagination where the latter plants his mind-controlling clones. ;-)

  5. Greg Saunders/Vigilante DID sing in the 1940s movie serial where he was played by Ralph (Dick Tracy) Byrd!
    Here's the trailer, where he sings!
    Note Lyle Talbot, who played BOTH Lex Luthor AND Comissioner Gordon in the Superman and Batman serials!

  6. Retroactive apologies: my apologies for the misspelling of "conqueror."

    I might be getting dyslexic in my ald oge!

  7. Do a Jaxon (Early Marvel Star Wars), Bucky O'Hare, Thunder Bunny, and Captain Carrot crossover cover.

  8. I second Brother Barnes' motion!

    What would the group name be, though?

    League of Extraordinary Rabbits?

    The Rabbiteers?

    Just Us Lagomorphs?

  9. what about Zorro vs. Sauron in "the Mark of Saurro" (Zorro (in SPANISH) and Saurro are homonyms). LOLXD

  10. Homonyms, huh? I've heard that about those Hollywood types. ;-)

  11. @ my namesake: I'd rather see the Borg invade the LOTR universe and assimilate the Dark Lord of Mordor. They could rename him...Saur-One!

  12. The Lop Eared Patrol In Color A Quinn Martin Production.

  13. I war thinking about Marvel's Sauron.

  14. Oh. The one who resembles Pteradactyl Man (of "Scooby Doo" fame).

  15. @Brother Barnes: Or, they could just call it "LOPS" for short.

    "Bad Bunnies! Bad Bunnies! Whatcha gonna do?
    Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?"

  16. P.S. @ Ross: I know you already did them as a super-group. But, how about Streaky, Garfield, Heathcliff, Tigger, Hobbes, and Bill The Cat as the stars of that new ALW musical...


  17. Anonymous "I'm the Leader Iron Tail (Reformed Rankin BASS Villain) LOPS Fighting Crime in a Furry Time, It's Crime Bustin' Time." - Iron Tail.
