Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Freedom Fighters and Captain America

The Freedom Fighters are a team that I have always enjoyed, even if they never really seem to catch on in a big way with fans.  I liked their adventures with the All-Star Squadron and Justice League and was pretty impressed with their modern incarnation in a trio of mini-series written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray about a decade back.  I don't think they have been seen very much since then, which is too bad.


  1. I love this! I recognize the picture of Cap from a Marvel Two in One issue.

  2. I kick myself for never having thought to suggest this to you!

    The first time I heard of the Quality Comic Golden Agers is when DC decided to use them for the JLA/JSA crossover the summer following their now-classic centennial trilogy (the one that re-introduced the 7 Soldiers of Victory). Sadly, however, I can't seem to recall who this super-villain might be. Costume-wise, he looks like a cross between the mute Death Adder and the original Viper (nee Leopold Stryke).

  3. I think I recognize the Freedom Fighters from their series (#15), last issue of the series, but my memory is faulty and I thought Doll Man was in a miniature tube.

  4. Most of Freedom Fighters were blown up in the opening salvo of Morrison's "Final Crisis". Since then, AFAIK, only the new, young version of The Ray, who was recently a member of Batman's JLA spin-off, has popped up.

  5. I think that new versions of Doll-Man and Phantom Lady briefly shared a series just after Flashpoint.
    Bringing the originals back into continuity might be easier for DC if & when they've done so for the JSA...

  6. What I want to know is, where do these supervillain types get all their man-sized glass test tube thingies?

  7. @TJW: From V-Mart?

  8. Does anyone else remember the Freedom Fighters clashing with a thinly disguised group of Marvel heroes, including a version of Captain America called Americommando? Or did I dream that as a teenager?

  9. @Kevin M: That really did happen man. Back in the late 70's, Freedom Fighters#9 and 10 or 8 and 9 I think:

    They were called the Crusaders.

  10. At the same time that the Freedom Fighters were fighting a thinly disguised version of the Invaders called the Crusaders, over at Marvel the Invaders were fighting a thinly disguised version of the Freedom Fighters called (you guessed it) the Crusaders.

  11. This is a great one! Maybe it's time for the FREEDOM FIGHTERS to meet Marvel's CRUSADERS.

  12. Where's the original Black Condor?

    Did he occupy the space on the original cover which is occupied by Cap on the STF version?

  13. No there was no one occupying that space.

  14. V-mart as in VILLAIN-Mart!

  15. @Anon: Thanks for elaborating on that. ;-)
