Friday, August 17, 2018

Gambit and Bat-Lash

I was always more into superheroes than Western comics when I was growing up, but I remember issues of Bat-Lash standing out to me, mostly because of the gorgeous artwork.  Nick Cardy could illustrate anything well, and this genre was no exception.  In later years I liked that Bat-Lash was a poker player, another pastime that I enjoyed.


  1. Hmmmm! It looks like Gambit got stuck in the Old West after bringing Jonah Hex back from the future. The only question is...was via Dr. Doom's time platform or the Marty-mobile?

  2. A couple of card carrying heroes.

  3. i always thought Bat Lash was DC's version of James Garner's Bret Maverick...
    ...maybe there is a team up....
    or throw in some other poker players such as Data and Stephen Hawking from ST:TNG and Ben Grimm and Nick Fury from Marvel....
    what do you think Ross???

  4. I second jackel's motion. And for a title? I would humbly suggest...

    "The Wild Cards."

  5. Yes! Gambit!

    I don’t think I ever knew who Bat Lash was when I was still a major DC fan, but great cover nonetheless.

  6. I agree with Jackel that Bat Lash is DC's version of Bret Maverick.

    Ross, I wonder if you've ever considered doing a team-up of several masked cowboy heroes like Two-Gun Kid (Marvel), NightHawk (DC), Red Wolf (also Marvel), the original Ghost Rider (Magazine Enterprises) and, of course, the "daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains" The Lone Ranger. I'm sure that there are others.

  7. too TJW, how about Zorro...

  8. @Jackel: the 19th century original that Dynamite Entertainment killed off? Or his Depression-era successor (from DE's six-issue story arc "Masks")?

  9. I thought of Zorro, but both versions that Anonymous mentioned are from slightly different eras than the Lone Ranger and the others. But, sure, why not?

  10. I always saw Bat as a mish-mash of Bret and Bart Maverick, Bat Masterson and Sugarfoot, perhaps taking his last name from Lash LaRue, and dressing in something other than black to distinguish himself from the pack. He shared his middle name, Aloysius, with Chuck Connors (the Rifleman) and Nick Adams (the Rebel) and Roy Roger's companion Pat Brady.

    At least that's how I saw it back in the day.

  11. There is nothing as good as Dick Giordano art IMO.

  12. @GH: Not even all the Jonah Hex art done by Tony DeZuniga et al.?

  13. Bat Lash should meet 'Paleface' (the Bob Hope Western/comedy film character)...

  14. Considering that Bob Hope (as well as Jerry Lewis) had his own DC comic book during the Early Silver Age, Ross might not think that fits his team-up criterion.
