Thursday, July 5, 2018

Power Girl and Rogue

One  X-Men character that I am really looking forward to having a Marvel cinematic makeover is Rogue.  Anna Paquin's version was more of a Rogue/Kitty Pryde hybrid and, other than her power set, never reminded me much of the comic book character.  I'd love to see the sassy Southern villain gone good finally get her live-action due.

Hmmm... Just who is their true target on the cover above?  All will be revealed tomorrow in Part Two, so make sure you come back!


  1. power pack and power girl?? also power man and bionic woman or hero hotline

  2. If that were the case, Ross, I don't think Kitty Pryde, herself, would've been introduced into the X-franchise at all! And, personally, I have no complaint with the cinematic Rogue. Truth to tell, her starting out as a member of the comic book B.E.M. struck me as a recycling of the Scarlet Witch's origin. And that would've gone double if it had been re-created on the silver screen. Especially as Wanda's defecting to the Good Guys (or, at least, Cap's version thereof) in CACW would've technically come second! Thereby making it seem like a second trip to the Seeing-the-Light Trope well.

  3. On a more whimsical note; I think a better question would be "What is their true target?" Given Rogue's absorption power needs tactile contact and Power Girl has a rather conspicuous gap in the (ahem!) opaqueness of her costume.

  4. The true target must be Alan Scott since he used the codename Sentinel at one point. They must be after him for copyright infringement.

  5. I saw a few days back that you wondered if people are growing tired of this blog. I for one am not. I have actually been considering the idea of being a patron. I am hoping to get into that position soon because I don't want to see this go away, and I want to help financially.

    I like this cover, and I am looking forward to seeing tomorrow's. I've been like a kid in a candy store with all of the comic characters having TV shows and movies along with the daily dose of your blog. I've been intrigued with all the stories told on the TV shows and movies and always look forward to the next seasons when one ends. I am intrigued by the pairings that you make. These are truly the greatest team-ups that never happened but should have. I reiterate my opinion that those in charge of these publications should get the idea and write the stories for which you have made covers. We are about due for another DC/Marvel crossover.

    Speaking of that, does anyone know whatever became of Access? I know that he appeared in all those crossovers that were written about 20 or so years ago and that he was in a panel or two of a DC book in which he also made a reference to the Silver Surfer. After all of that, I am not sure what happened to him. I actually thought that he would have some role in the Avengers/JLA stories, but I was wrong.

  6. Thanks, Mickey - I appreciate your kind words!

  7. I also really enjoy your blog and read it regularly. However, I can see that it really takes a lot of work. If you needed to post covers less frequently, or even to take a break completely, to concentrate on other parts of your life, I'm sure all of your readers would understand.

    Thank you again for all the entertainment.

  8. Appreciated, Ideas Man. I will try to keep up a daily pace as long as I can though.

  9. silverhawks vs hawkman and hawkgirl
