Saturday, May 26, 2018

Flash Gordon and Captain Comet

I am always amazed at the level of artwork talent that worked on Flash Gordon comic strips.  Alex Raymond, Gray Morrow, Al Williamson, Mac Raboy, Jime Keefe, Austin Bridges, Dan Barry and more provided beautifully detailed illustrations to go with the thrilling tales of intergalactic derring-do.  I am sure that reading his adventures inspired many a future comic artist... not to mention members of the space program!


  1. Always great to see Captain Comet.

  2. still hoping for marvels comet man and dc capt comet to meet here cameo by supergirls horse comet? or meteor man

  3. Here's a challenge for Ross: Pacman and Robin.

    Nice cover today.

  4. Tyrant Rex?! Is he the ruler of Dino-Earth? Or simply one of Emperor Ming's genetically engineered lieutenants?

  5. I want that Captain Comet back in the DC Universe! Great job.
