Thursday, May 31, 2018

Black Lightning and The Falcon

The idea of a family of superheroes is an appealing one.  The Fantastic Four, The Incredibles, The First Family, even TV's short lived No Ordinary Family - I have found all of their adventures to be very entertaining.  Now, we have Jefferson Pierce and his daughters on the CW's Black Lightning.  I loved the first season and I can't wait to see where the series goes now that a three are embracing their heroic sides.


  1. Re: today's cover? I consider it both ironic and appropriate that Tim Russ made a guest-appearance on a recent episode of SUPERGIRL as an Argo City Kryptonian. After all, he did co-star on STAR TREK: VOYAGER as a black Vulcan!*

    *Sorry, Ross. Couldn't resist. :-)

  2. P.S.---is this a ret-con of STF #1984?

  3. Hey Ross is this a reprint of a previous cover??? seem kinda déjà vu-ish to me????

  4. Looks to be more of a reprise than a reprint. The Lucifer / Falcon image is the same, only moved up to make room for the title and the rotated UPC box. Different BL image and dialog and sky background.
    Dreaded Deadline Doom or just too many covers to remember them all, Ross?

  5. Haha, this has happened a couple of times - I set aside an image to make a cover and then forget to delete it once used - a few months later I get around to finishing the cover, forgetting I had already done so!

    Gotta keep you guys on your toes, after all!

  6. Or Superboy Prime punched a hole in the STF wall, creating a cosmic hiccup!

  7. Interesting to use this cover because a few weeks ago I purchase and read the Captain America issues with Falcon fighting Lucifer.

  8. @Ross: I was, of course, making a KRYPTON: Season 1 reference.
