Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Hellboy and The Creeper

It's going to be interesting to see how different the upcoming Hellboy reboot film will be from the earlier movies by Guillermo del Toro.  Hellboy himself looks pretty much the same, but the story is supposed to be tonally different from what has come before.  I don't think we will ever see a live action Creeper, though.  He's got a look that works great for comics, but I just don't know how it would ever translate to live action (although I admit I have seen some decent cosplay).


  1. Whoa! This is an even odder combo than Moon Knight and the Elongated Man!! Yet, somehow, they work. Maybe it's the punny title.* Maybe it's the feeling that these two would be out-matched by their antagonist.** Or maybe it's the feeling they're so MIS-matched, they might wind up killing each other _before_ their common enemy does it for them!

    Then, again, I'm sure that's what a lot of people initially thought about Murtaugh and Riggs. Now, isn't it?

    *Another Hall of Famer for you, Ross. ;-)

    **The Creeper's trademark maniacal laugh would get drowned out by thunderclaps. And how could even Hellboy's guns kill a sentient storm?

  2. Love the Creeper. Think he could work in the Arrowverse or even a movie. But the trick is, as was the case with Spidey and Iron Man, you don't cast the hero, you cast the secret identity. But Giffen's artwork? What's with the shade on the faces?

    Check out my scratchbuilt display for the Creeper figure:


  3. In the spirt of "Mary Worth Meets The Phantom," how about "Spidey Meets Judge Parker?"

  4. ...somewhere on the internet i found a few panels of comic strip art for a mash-up of Murder She Wrote and Gilmore Girls....
    ...another great cover as always Ross...you make it seem effortless...

  5. ...one that has been kind of cooking on a back burner of my brain was the old British sci-fi kids(???) show Sapphire & Steele which starred Joanna Lumbly and David MacCallum....
    ....but filling their spots with Carol (Star Sapphire) Ferris and John Steel, the pre-Captain America super soldier....
    ...see i even put together a DC character and a Marvel character.
    ...just wondering what you all think of this one...

  6. Yeah I'd love to see a live-action Creeper myself. I think he'd be perfect for a superhero spin on whole Court TV/TruTV/Nancy Grace-like gimmick, where Jack Ryder goes on a personal journey of redemption for being an ass of a reporter, a la Nancy Grace. The costume though, Would really, really have to be toned down and altered. So maybe not.

  7. Colorscheme-wise, you could combine Creeper with Mr. Miracle!

  8. @Emsley: I know what you mean. The Creeper's facial shadow makes him look more like Ditko's Killjoy!

    @Jack-El: what about Star Sapphire Stagg and Natasha "Steel" Irons?

    @Rege Aubrey: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!*

    *Insert Macaulay Culkin avatar, here.

  9. Cary Comic said...
    "@Emsley: I know what you mean. The Creeper's facial shadow makes him look more like Ditko's Killjoy!"
    Only a couple of weeks ago, I re-rad the issues of E-Man in which that strip was a back-up!

    "@Jack-El: what about Star Sapphire Stagg and Natasha "Steel" Irons?"
    Yes! Yes!
