Saturday, February 3, 2018

Green Lantern Corps Vs. The X-Men

For the planned Green Lantern Corps movie, I'd definitely want the three GL's above to appear, along with John Stewart, Tomar Re and Katma Tui.  If there's room for another human GL, let's bring in Guy Gardner - I can imagine an actor like Sean William Scott really having fun with the role.

Hal Jordan and the Corps have been holding a grudge against Wolverine for a long time - since STF #209, in fact...


  1. Although his yellow costume isn't as useful against them now as would once have been the case...

    By the way, did you know that Dave Cockrum originally designed Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Storm, as potential additions for the LSH ?
    There could be a story worth your using based on that detail...

  2. "Nobody is going to stop us."

    Really, Hal? I think YELLOW-SUITED Wolverine might have something different to say on the subject. And, let's not forget his adamantium claws (which could turn Chaselon, alone, into tiny little candidates for display in Tiffany's front window)!

  3. For the exception of the comics I'm kind of burned out on Logan / Wolverine. I think it's run its course on the cinema world live action and some of the animation versions have been disappointing as well.

  4. Without one of the X-Men with mental abilities the X-Men would not have much of a chance except if Nightcrawler could surprise them.

  5. Hmmm...this seems like another gross mismatch to me. A single Green Lantern would be a match for the X-men sans Phoenix. The entire GL Corps is just overkill.

    The only thing that might save the X-men would be if Conservation of Ninjutsu comes into play. ;-)

  6. 1. Great cover, and a sweet continuation of that older story. I hope it continues to go somewhere.

    2. I agree with your cast list, except for Guy Gardner. Let's save him for later in the saga (assuming there is one).

    3. I second Simreeve's LSH suggestion.

    4. I disagree with the above assessments. The only X-Man shown here who would go down easily against three GLs would be Colossus. The others have powers that would, at the very least, challenge this trio.

    5. Unrelated to this cover, I think it would be very cool some time to see a face-off between Mark Hamill's two most famous roles: Luke Skywalker vs. the Joker.

  7. @Alena and Bob:


  8. Speaking of seriousness: I'm honestly surprised that no one else has remembered this. Storm can generate _yellow_ lightning to take all the GLS out!

  9. Bob:

    Did you not see the animated short where Joker and Trickster kidnap Mark Hamill?

  10. Rev, I have not, but I will hunt it down tomorrow.

  11. Too bad they used the 2nd rate replacement for the Trickster; I much prefer the original Trickster "I am an artist" from JLU.
