Thursday, February 8, 2018

Black Panther and Black Lightning (Vs. the Hate Monger!)

After four episodes, Black Lightning has quickly jumped to the top of the CW DC Comics based series for me.  The cast is very engaging and the writing has not fallen into the same romantic melodrama that sometimes takes over the other shows.  I might tweak Black Lightning's mask a little, but so far that's the only nitpick that I have.  Black Panther is about to be a big success on the big screen, if the very positive advance reviews are any indication.  It's taken a while, but finally these heroes are getting the wider recognition that they have always deserved.

These two first joined forces in STF #1274...


  1. Black lightning is one of my favourite characters.

    But I wonder, has the Black Panther ever met his pink cousin?

  2. I love the new Black Lightning series so far. I look forward to seeing how it develops. I am already hearing inquiries about crossovers with the other CW shows. I am not necessarily against it if (1) they let Black Lightning develop and (2) they can fit the stories together and not team them up just because the characters are all on the same network.

    I am intrigued with Cress Williams' portrayal. My first encounter with him was in the comedy show Hart of Dixie. That show was set in a small Alabama town. Being from Alabama, I found it funny with a lot of things that I can relate to. Thus I am more used to seeing him play a comedic character. However, in four episodes of watching him, I lie what I see from him.

  3. Anonymous said...
    "But I wonder, has the Black Panther ever met his pink cousin?"

    That's what I was wondering, too...

  4. cousin LOL XD

  5. Great, albeit obvious, pairing. But picking the "Hate Monger" as their foe, truly inspired.

  6. Maybe you could team up Black Panther with George of the Jungle (who, in the 1960s series (at least) didn't encounter black people; the natives (witch doctor(s), chief(s), and all) were depicted as white!)

  7. @Anonymous III: Please! NOT AGAIN!

    @Ross: I fully agree with you. Especially your concluding statement! I'm particularly intrigued by the clever twist regarding Tobias Whale. Instead of an albinistic clone of the Silver Age Wilson Fisk, the writers have (with plausible credibility) a somewhat self-hating pass-for-white "home boy."

    I find that slightly similar to the back story of that 1990's Spidey-foe, Eddie Cross. The mutated neo-Nazi who turned out to be of Jewish heritage!

  8. Ooops! That next to last sentence should have read "...the writers have made him..."

    I guess those fitness gurus are right: "Haste makes waist."

  9. Good lord not that 'George of the Jungle' comment again. Stay classy, Anon.
    Though Ross, I would love to see George team up with Groo someday.

  10. Groo and George of the Jungle would be great!

  11. I agree with the assessment that putting these two against the Hate-Monger is a brilliant stroke, especially during Black History Month. That elevates this cover even above your usual level of excellence, Ross, and makes it worthy of history.

    Re: George of the Jungle: Maybe you could team up George with Awkwardman (of the Inferior Five). You could even throw in Comet Guy (from the Darkwing Duck cartoon), the Greatest American Hero, Joxer the Mighty, and maybe one or two other clumsy/accident-prone heroes, and make a team of it!

  12. I like BG's Klutzy Crusaders idea.

    Throw in Don Martin's Captain Klutz, and maybe even Legion reject Calamity King.

  13. Black Lightning has quickly moved up on my list of favorite comic-based shows, too. It's currently vying with Flash for top spot.

    My one gripe is Peter Gambi being a computer wizard. Can't we have one superhero show without a super-genius hacker? Whatever happened to getting information through legwork and detective skill, instead of breaking into a database from the comfort of your HQ? Or would that leave less time for relationship subplots?

  14. I was commenting on the dumbing down of George of the Jungle, regarding recognizing the existence of the black race, compareable to the absence of blacks in lots of comic books from the 1950s and some time after.

  15. @BB: actually, I think it's a step up for Gambi, from just being another tailor to the superheroes, like his comic book brother in Central City during the 1970's. Come to think of it; Peter _was_ the Central City brother! Paul was the first name of his (fraternal?) twin, working in the Suicide Slum area of Metropolis. At least, during the early Seventies run of the original BL comic!

    But, of course, that's another one of the clever twists the show's writers have given us. The lily whites at City Hall evidently changed the name of that section of Metropolis to something they had hoped would be more encouraging to the local populace. It hasn't worked out that way, however.

  16. I'm embarrassed to have forgotten Captain Klutz in that group; naturally he'd be the leader.

    But I do like Kid C's name for the group.

  17. Ok, says team trainer Clatk Kent, I said just to PRETEND to be clumsy in YOUR SECRET IDENTITY.

  18. Yeah Inspector Gadget would be possible, as would Hong Kong Phooey... and even my own character, Speed Bump (drawn there by Storn Cook).

  19. @Cary: No, it was Paul who was tailor to the Rogues. He was named after comics fan Paul Gambaccini.

  20. BB's right, Cary. It's retired Shakespearian actor Dexter Myles who usually helped Flash with costumes and disguises.

  21. My bad! You guys are right. I was thinking of Leo Zelinsky over at Silver Age Marvel.

  22. I've never seen George of the Jungle, but looking him up, he'd seem to be a good match for Groot. "Hey, George, look out for that tree."

  23. In the Panther's mono-colored world where he only asks black heroes for help maybe he is the next Hate Monger!

  24. Glenn, either you are trolling on this blog or are misinformed. I haven't read much of Black Panther, but even I have seen him calling in a mixture of black, Asian and white characters for help. And seen him working with the likes of the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. please think twice before posting comments like this.

  25. Well said, Anon. Let's not forget that Jack Kirby introduced the Black Panther in a Silver Age issue of the all-white Fantastic Four!
