Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Power Man and Afro Samurai

 My preference for a character's appearance is usually how I first encountered them, so I still have a great fondness for the classic chain belt and tiara look for Power Man.  That said, I can understand the need to update Luke Cage's appearance.  I'm glad Marvel at least still makes sure to usually put him in a yellow shirt, as a nod to the old days.


  1. I think Luke would be the first to tell you...

    "It ain't a tiara, dude. It's a HEAD BAND!"

  2. Wow, I never even heard of Afro Samurai. I had to look that one up. You certainly create some interesting team-ups, Ross!

  3. I do note with appreciation that you said "usually," Ross, considering the recent discussion on Tarantula's costume. I agree with you here, just as I did on that one -- plus, this outfit still has Luke looking "cool" (as well as cool without the quotation marks).

    The big question is: does Earth-STF have its first-ever fully original villain? Or will he be "made" when he suddenly calls out, "No, Pinky! Don't touch that!"?

  4. Random thought: Mr. Big Shot could come back some time, this time against Ant-Man and the Atom....
