Friday, January 26, 2018

Madman and Daredevil

Mike Allred recently posted a quick animation that he made of Madman on his Twitter feed, and it looked great.  Allred's style lends itself perfectly to cartoon form.  I've been waiting for the character to make the jump to other media for years now, and I'd love to see him on the big or little screen.


  1. Have you seen the Allreds' work on the recent Bug! The Adventures of Forager' limited series? This was from DC's 'Young Animal' label and starred the eponymous 'Bug' (who had been killed off in the early '90s, in a story called 'Cosmic Odyssey'...) along with a lot of DC's other Kirby-connected characters -- not just New Gods, although they were present -- and some new inventions. Very enjoyable!


  2. I know the graphics are from the original TRON. But, I still can't help feeling that this is the same kind of VR environment Arcade would send these two to, if he had been hired to kill Madman by one of the latter's past foes.
    Like, say, Mr. Mxyzptlk!

    I mean that 5th dimensional imp did force him to cross paths with Superman, once. And trying to get even through a 3rd dimensional hit man might be a sensible way to stay off Superman's radar.

  3. Hey! That gives me an idea. How about Slapstick and Ambush Bug team up to liberate the Tron-verse from...SARK 2.0?

  4. Hell's yeah Ross! Good idea to team these two together. I can see it, other than the obvious fact that Allred's drawn 'em both, but I think a really enjoyable story could be crafted for those two.

  5. Is that Freakazoid?

  6. @Space Monkey Gleek: nope! He's an indie superhero called Madman (aka "Frank Einstein"). For complete information on him, see Loki of Midgaard's website, "International Catalogue of Superheroes," under the glossary for "M."

  7. What about Blue Beetle (Ted) and Madman vs Beetle's Madmen? I could hear them say to Madman "You were one of us once!"
