Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Ambush Bug Vs. Wolverine

With the Disney/Fox deal looking imminent, folks are already speculating as to when Wolverine will make his entrance into the MCU.  Some have hoped for Huge Jackman to join the festivities in the follow up to Infinity War, but Jackman himself has said his time has passed. I'm thinking Marvel will take their time and start fresh with the X-Men characters, so it will probably be a while before we hear any casting for Logan.  I'm really hoping that when he finally does appear, they will find a way to make the costume work, something that Fox was unable or unwilling to do.


  1. Marvel is selling Disney to Fox????

    Say it ain't so!

  2. Thank you for your patience, Bob!

  3. Fox not only could not make costume work they mocked it which probably made Marvel unhappy.

    Per news: Disney and 21st Century Fox are expected to close a deal this week giving Disney ownership over Fox’s TV and film properties. This means Disney will own the rights to certain Marvel franchises, such as The X-Men, Deadpool and The Fantastic Four.

    Additional note: Patreon changed rules on payment and made it sound like it was a benefit to creators but for some it takes a very high amount out. I sent an email but I got no response from Patreon. I'll send a check to Ross instead.

  4. Actually, Michael Marsden's disparaging "You were expecting, maybe, yellow spandex?" was the funniest comeback (in the 1998 X-MEN flick) since "I'll be back!"

  5. Glenn - I am just now reading about the fee change, and it does indeed affect $1-$5 donors the most, which make up the backbone of Patreon, an odd move. The "Donate" button on this page leads to my Paypal donation page, if you prefer that route. Thank you for the heads up!

  6. You're welcome, Ross! Now I'll have to figure out something else to pester you about. ;)

  7. To anonymous 1: Fox is being offered to Disney (sort of).

  8. Frankly it is a money grab on small donators but helps those creators who get chunks of money for unlocking games and such. It was deceptive for them to do it that way. You can get partially around it by donating big one month and then not donating for a while but it is a pain in the ass and takes away the concept of subscriptions.

  9. A Fox/Disney merger (or takeover, or whatever) might mean that Gotham will need to find a new home, given that it's a DC property and Disney owns Marvel.

    The CW would be a good place; David Mazouz (who plays Bruce Wayne) has already mentioned a desire to do an Arrowverse crossover, probably in something involving time travel (which would suggest either Legends of Tomorrow, though The Flash or Supergirl would also be possible).

    Hopefully contractual restrictions wouldn't prevent that from happening.

    (Similarly, Tom Welling has also mentioned that he'd be willing to appear in a crossover, being from one of the alternate Earths.)

  10. I wouldn't be averse to a GOTHAM crossover with "The Flash" or "Supergirl." But, "Arrow" or DCLOT? Please, no!
