Monday, October 9, 2017

Blackhawk and Airboy

I am assuming that the Han Solo movie will feature plenty of The Millenium Falcon, and it will be cool to see some of its secrets revealed.  Will we see a shiny new Falcon, from before years of modifications and battle damage?  Will we see the fabled Kessel Run?  How about when Solo won the Falcon from Lando Calrissian?  I'm betting we will see at least one of those scenarios.


  1. Ross, I wanted to say this for your 2000th cover, but I was having trouble with the internet that day.

    I thought that the story you created was good. I think that it would make a good finished product one day. As far as the art is concerned, it is a great deal better than what I could ever draw. I do well to draw stick people.

    Thanks for giving us these covers.

  2. Thanks, Anon, I'm glad you got a kick out of it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What do you want to bet that it was "liberated" from the Nazis by Indiana Jones and the Rocketeer?

  5. P.S.---See STF #238.

  6. I hope for one of those three scenarios, too. In the meantime? This is one team-up I never expected to see. In hindsight, a brilliant one! But, still unexpected.
