Friday, September 22, 2017

The Avengers and Suicide Squad

Avengers: Infinity War is sounding like it will be the most epic in scope of all of the Marvel movies thus far.  That's only fitting since it is considered to be the culmination of everything that has come before - and just about every hero introduced up until now is slated to appear.  That's going to be the biggest test - will the Russo Brothers be able to juggle dozens of character and give everyone a chance to shine, all while telling a coherent story?  It's going to be fun to find out, but I have faith in them after their excellent work on the Captain America sequels.


  1. Bronze Tiger looks different from yesterday's cover.

  2. Yeah for the longest time he wore the mask/helmet, then DC decided to drop it in his SS run. Preferred the original look myself.

  3. The biggest argument I've ever read against grand super-hero ensemble films is dividing up the action and dialogue. Making sure each character has their moment to shine; their specific beat. Age of Ultron was well-choreographed. In some instances the action sequences were like dance pieces. Super-hero films aren't really that much different from any other ensemble picture.

  4. Nice mixture of characters. Often these pieces do not look so integrated.

  5. Oooooh! A sneaky sequel to yesterday's cover.* Me like!

    *Or was this a closet two-parter?

  6. Actually, just a coincidence, Cary - but I can see how yesterday's cover could lead into this one.

  7. I thought the same as Cary -- this would be a fine two-parter leading out from yesterday, and it could even include a bit showing Bronze Tiger's decision to change his look.

    I also agree with Glenn that you've mixed the characters very nicely here. It's one of those "unit pieces" I sometimes mention, but probably the most complicated one yet. Nice work!

  8. @Air Dave: But even in the best ensemble pictures, somebody gets the short straw -- does anybody remember who the bottom 5 of "The Dirty Dozen" were? Or the last couple of the "Magnificent Seven"?

    In the comics (especially when Perez was drawing) you could have a few shots of all 20 Avengers hanging out before the action started, even if only a few had any dialog. And once the fighting began, a dozen or so would get knocked out in the first salvo and would just have to be shown in a heap every couple of pages while only a handful kept going. Or they split up to guard multiple locations and most of the sub-teams just get a couple of panels fighting the local cannon fodder while the featured players get the Big Bad.

    I can't see any of the actors (or their agents!) allowing their character to be used that way in the movie, so it will be interesting to see how they all are handled.

  9. I remember Ostrander did a issue that dealt with why Bronze Tiger stop wearing the mask. It has been awhile since I read it and it was set as the last issue before the series jumped one year. if I remember correctly he stopped wearing the mask because he associated with his time with the League of Assassins and by stop wearing it he was trying to convince himself he was not the same person he was when he was with the League.

  10. Less than two weeks to issue 2000! How exciting! Any clues, Ross? Crisis on Earth-STF?

  11. Like all my Anniversary Issues, it will be a 100-Page Giant... and I do mean 100 pages.

  12. Galactus vs. Dr. Manhattan?

  13. @KC: That would definitely be less of a mismatch than Gaalctus vs. Godzilla!

  14. From Another Ymous: Dude! I believe you mean "Galactus?"

  15. I like assemble pieces when done right and George Perez was expert at it and the JLA Avengers mini-series sits on my desk and is my wallpaper at work. I'd like to see Ross's take on such an all George Perez cover especially a wrap around cover with multiple companies.

  16. @GH: Maybe he could such a take in the style of the cover art from WAR OF THE INDEPENDENTS #1.

  17. What do you want to bet that Thor's question refers to this being one of the first things Amanda Waller implemented upon taking over SHIELD @ STF #1848?
