Sunday, September 24, 2017

Booster Gold and Stan Lee

This marks my 2,500th cover on the blog!

I read recently that Leonardo DiCaprio has expressed interest in portraying Stan Lee in a movie biography.  While I have my reservations about whether he is the perfect actor for the role, I do think that there is potential for a very interesting film there.  I have enjoyed reading about the formation of Marvel Comics and it would be cool to see it on the big screen.  There's a great opportunity to lend some interesting visuals to it as well, given the subject matter.


  1. Congratulations! You do great work.

  2. Not sure I agree. In order to make it interesting in my opinion there would need to be some of the dirt in it but to get the visuals you need to get permission from Marvel and it is not likely to want to participate if it did.

  3. DiCaprio is still youthful-looking enough that he could portray a twenty-something Stan Lee. Perhaps, during the company's post-WWII Atlas phase!* For the 1960's onward, though? A mustachioed Bruce Campbell might be a better bet.

    *Back when Jack Kirby invented all those now-classic monsters with tongue-twisting names.

  4. 2,500 -- amazing! Congratulations on the milestone!

  5. Nice!
    Now, when will Stan meet DC's 'Funky Flashman' (i.e. Kirby's parody of him)?


  6. Mark Maron for Stan Lee! Congratulations on your milestone, Ross.

  7. Thanks, Robert, John and Wayne!


  8. Think Booster Gold will next go back to ancient times to take hero lessons from Disney's Hercules' Philocetes next? In that movie Hercules marketed himself pretty well.

  9. way i wasn't impressed with him when he was on the show growing pains( remember that show???)....and i'm NOT very impressed with him NOW!!!!

  10. Congratulations on hitting the 2,500 mark! Your talents, comics knowledge, and great sense of fun have made your blog one of the best around...but to keep that up for an astounding 2,500 posts? They don't even make a word for how cool that is!

  11. If DiCaprio can do such a convincing job playing both Louis XIV and his twin brother Phillipe (in MAN IN THE IRON MASK), then I'm sure he could do a much-young Stan the Man. No sweat!

  12. Recently saw a fan made movie poster for a Stan Lee biomovie which had him portrayed by Bryan Cranston....
    He looked just like Stan....
    So my vote is for Bryan Cranston to play him if a real movie is done....
    Now than who would portrayed Jack "the King" Kirby????

  13. I'm sure I've said this before, Ross.... We are so lucky to have access to your mad genius.

  14. The twist is it's actually Funky Flashman.

  15. Congratulations on keeping going for so long! Sorry I missed the celebration, this was another great one! To do so many covers and we rarely see one that wasn't a seemless match! Don't think I'd like DeCaprio as Stan, but I do like the idea of Stan Lee movie, would it be better done by Marvel or outsiders? I think other sources have said he's not perfect, but the story of how he built an empire with the talented people would certainly be inspiring.

  16. Major shout out to Super Team family. They’re killing it with these covers. Absolutely amazing 🤩
