Monday, September 11, 2017

Batman and The Walking Dead

I am looking forward to the next season of Walking Dead.  The show has done a great job of building up Negan as an adversary and putting Rick and his crew up against impossible odds, so it will be cool to see how they turn things around, and how many sacrifices will have to made to do so.  Last season admittedly took its time getting everything into position, so I am expecting more action this time around.


  1. This kind of team-up would be perfect for a revival of that 1990's Bat-foe, The Obeah Man.

  2. Negan vs Mage??? Each one with a baseball bat... I'm just saying...

  3. How about a zombie war: The supernatural vs. science gone awry.

    After Dr. Voodoo raises his mystic amulet to resurrect Simon Garth and a host of supernatural zombies, the good doctor teams up with a few members of Justice League Dark to go up against the Walking Dead for one final cataclysmic end. :)

  4. I wonder how Bats would feel about having to decapitate his zombified parents?

  5. @Carycomic: moot point, now. The show is now over with (and lasted eleven seasons too long as far as I'm permanently concerned)!
