Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Challengers of the Unknown and Mister Fantastic

No offense to Sue, Ben and Johnny, but I think that this is a team much more suited to Reed Richards' personality than the FF.  He always considered himself more of an explorer than a superhero, anyway.   Family is important to him, but maybe he would be a more effective leader if he didn't always have to worry about putting them into jeopardy at work.


  1. Maybe Ben, Sue, and Johnny could move to Archie Comics and become the new Terrific Trio*

    *See MIGHTY CRUSADERS v.1/#4 (1966).

  2. Amalgam had the 'Challengers of the Fantastic': Reed, Sue, Johnny, & Ben, without superpowers but "living on borrowed time". It was one of several Amalgam 'series' that I'd like to have seen continued...

  3. I could see a case being made in which Reed may find the Challengers a better suited team in terms of being n explorer more than a superhero, sure, but they wouldn't have the emotional ties that Reed needs, specifically from Sue and his family, to keep from going over the edge and becoming evil.

  4. DB's right. Remember how easy it was for Overmind to telepathically brainwash Reed from long distance (in FF v.1/#115)? Like it or not, it would be child's play for him to do the same with the rest of the Challs. In a situation like that, their (and Earth's) only remaining hope would be...Dr. Doom and the Doom Patrol!

  5. @Anonymous- You just gave me an idea for the next Amalgam series if they ever come about again........ The Dr. Doom Patrol!

  6. Isn't "Prof" of the Challengers "Reed" from the FF? ;)

  7. "Dr.Doom Patrol", nice. I don't see the Chief and Doom playing well with each other for very long considering the amount of ego those two have, but cute word play though @Isaac.

  8. @DB: Doom would probably swap bodies with him using the same Ovoid transmigration technique he once used on Daredevil.

  9. Nice work, Anon.

    If the Amalgamators could turn Magneto into a good guy (Magneto and the Magnetic Men), why not Dr. Doom as well?

  10. @Air Dave: The Challengers came first (1957 vs. 1961), so its more like Reed is Prof. Both groups were loosely based on the 4 classical elements: Air (Ace, Sue); Water (Prof, Reed); Earth (Rocky, Ben), and Fire (Red, Johnny).
