Sunday, December 18, 2016

Power Man and Bumblebee

One thing I really miss in today's comics are the inventive subscription ads and series advertisements.  They often featured cool art that could not be found anywhere else.  Who can forget the two ads by Bill Sienkiewicz for Power Man and Iron Fist - one with Danny Rand asking the reader to subscribe to their series so as not to upset his partner and the other with Luke Cage daring the reader not to.


  1. Personally, I liked the one with the turtle head who always asked:

    "Can you draw this?"


    On a slightly more serious note: pre-Crisis Bumblebee never had the power to shrink! That was a plagiar...I mean, a "liberal borrowing" from Marvel's Wasp (on the part of Cartoon Network's TEEN TITANS GO).

  2. You should have had J.J. from "Good Times" teaming up with Cage & Bumblebee yelling his catch phrase... "DY-NO-MITE" !

  3. Great cover!
    How about Swamp Thing and Groot?

  4. Or Superman vs. a kryptonite-powered snake owned by...Princess Python!!!

  5. I think Filmation already did something along that line...back in 1967.

  6. Last I saw Mal he was blowin' a mean horn, you dig?
