Sunday, November 20, 2016

Crime Syndicate Vs. Squadron Supreme

Lots of heroes face off against dark reflections of themselves, so why not an entire team?  The Justice League of America has inspired more than a couple of  doppelganger groups, and it's been interesting to see writers take them in different directions that the traditional JLA.


  1. Holy Jim Starlin, Batman! Not again?!

  2. You've created yet another one that I really want to read!


  3. Great concept, great cover. I realize that you're somewhat limited by what images you can find, but I can't help thinking that the last two Squadron members should be Nighthawk and Power Princess, rather than Golden Archer and Lady Lark, though... ;)

  4. Fantastic!! I'd buy this in a heartbeat.

  5. Not that most of your covers aren't great, but this is just a brilliant idea. :)

  6. Thanks, this one was a common request and I am glad I finally found some images that worked together.

  7. Have you read Jim Valentino's NORMALMAN? The Justice League of Society would make a great third team for this grouping...

  8. Very cool concept and cover !

    I'd like to see the Legion of Doom vs The Squadron Sinister !

  9. Of all of the possible possibilities (if you'll pardon the apparent redundancy) for crossing over secondary universes of the two main comics multiverses, this one is the most natural and the most exciting to think about. Maybe someday we'll get to see Hyperion take on Ultraman one-on-one, but for now this will more than do.

    Or, Hyperion teamed up with Merryman. #BrainExploding

  10. Ross ... I've read your blog for the last 3 years and have NEVER written in until today ! imho , this is the very best you have ever done ! like the other posters above , I , too , wish I could read this comic . I am a huge silver age era lover of comics and todays team-up struck the right cord with me ! well done , Sir !


  11. Awesome! Thsnks for finally doing this one!

  12. After seeing a huge chunk of your work, you'd inspire me to work on my own! If that's fine with you.

  13. Thanks, Chris! Don't wait 3 years to comment again, I enjoy the feedback good bad or indifferent!

    BERT, I had been meaning for a while, Glad I could make it work

    Anonymous, you don't need my permission! Happy to inspire just as the artists and characters have always inspired me.

  14. Ross, over the years its funny which covers you made that will hit home hard or impact individual readers, sometimes unexpectedly. For me, its when you used the cover a comic that i read but hadnt thought about in decades. And a flushing wave of memories washes over me, bringing me back to innocent times, a kid going to catholic elementary school, picking up two issues from the spinning rack and a jamaican beef patty on his way home. Its friday afternoon!

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  16. Nice!

    Now maybe Legion of Super-heroes and Shiar Imperial Guard? :D
