Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Magnus: Robot Fighter and Machine Man

I was almost exclusively a Marvel and DC kid during my early years as a comics fan, because that's pretty much all I was exposed to.  I did have a handful of other comics including some Gold Key Magnus issues.  Even though he wasn't a hero from the big two companies, the amazing Russ Manning artwork really impressed me and made me a fan of the character.

Magnus and Machine Man met once before on the blog, with Jocasta along for the action...


  1. The 'comic book five' of the 1950s, 1960s and my decade, the 1970s, was really too good to be true. We had Marvel, DC, Harvey, Archie and Gold Key to choose from, as well as a Dennis the Menace comic book title. The truest baby-boomer drug was comic books.

  2. I can remember reading one or two issues of Magnus during my own youth, too... and the oldest comic in my current collection is actually a [slightly battered] 'Magnus Robot Fighter' #1...

  3. I love those old Gold Key painted covers, Ross and love what you did with one here. I especially love those old Russ Manning robot designs.

    Richard Fuller, I too sampled comics from all five of the companies you mentioned above. Dennis the Menace was the last comic book published by Fawcett. However, you left out Charlton. Of course, given their notoriously spotty distribution, it's possible that you didn't get any Charlton comics where you lived. The Gold Key comics I bought the most included Dark Shadows, The Occult Files of Dr. Spektor, and the occasional anthology title like The Twilgiht Zone or Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery.

  4. My favorite Gold Key Magnus issue was a reprint of when he first met Danae and her neo-animals. Imagine the genetically smartened critters from James Patterson's "Zoo." But minus the animosity towards people!

    In any case; thanks for the nostalgia, Ross. And, to Magnus, himself, I say:

    "Yes! I am MOST DEFINITELY NOT a robot!"

  5. I'd like to suggest that Tower Comics be added to the 60s publishers... T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and the associated titles made a pretty big mark with some awfully good talent.

    Menthor and the Atom... I would giggle myself to sleep to see that match up.

  6. Blogger ELS said...
    "I'd like to suggest that Tower Comics be added to the 60s publishers... T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and the associated titles made a pretty big mark with some awfully good talent.

    Menthor and the Atom... I would giggle myself to sleep to see that match up."

    I second the recommendation of Tower Comics.

    Menthor and the Atom? How about Menthor and Mento?

  7. We still need that MACHINE MAN / G.I. ROBOT team-up.

  8. Tower comics were pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I did not discover them until after they were gone. As for seventies comic publishers, there was also Atlas Comics--at least for the four or five months they were in business. Also, does anyone remember Treasure Chest Comics with Chuck White or a comic that was put out by (I think) the U.S. Forest Service called "The True Story of Smokey Bear"?

  9. First anonymous, you said Magnus that you are not a robot. I only find myself saying that to the captcha on this website.

  10. At Sonofjack Well, no, I sure did leave out Charlton. By the seventies, Charlton was just publishing mainly Saturday morning cartoon offerings, as Gold Key did, so I pretty much always think of Gold Key and Charlton together.

    And I was hardly out of the area for Charlton. I think their absolute worst was the Flintstones issues, and Barney and Betty (Rubble) look like someone was really into the psychedelic drugs in the artwork. Ah, to be a kid again. LOL!

    No, I never saw any of the 1960s heroes who turned up in DC's 1985 Crisis. But got one book from 1980 with Blue Beetle and the Question.

  11. To both Magnus and the two Anonymii: I'm not a robot, either! :P

    To Ross: I honestly never expected these two to ever team up again. Not after the way Magnus threatened Jocasta those last two times! So, I have to wonder what greater threat these Mechanoids pose? Are they, for instance, servants of Malev-7?*

    *Malev-6 was a sentient robot planet--picture Brainiac the same size and shape as GL Mogo--who was narrowly prevented from destroying 41st century Earth in a classic 1960's two parter. You could invent a previously unknown upgrade, Ross!
