Friday, July 1, 2016

Batman and Guardian

This cover is about me finally checking off a box in my head.  I always meant to do a Batman/Guardian cover back when this blog began as Brave and the Bold: The Lost Issues and never got around to it.  It always bugged me and I am glad that I finally put these two guys together.  Gotta love that Byrne designed costume!


  1. Looks good.
    Now, how about Guardian meets the Guardian, perhaps involving some 'Weapon X'/Cadmus interaction?

  2. Ross said...
    "See issue #665 for that."

    Thank you.

  3. 1) Re: issue #665? What Simreeve said.

    2) Re: today's cover? An unnerving concept, to say the least! Why would the Joker want to lead a Canadian team of (mostly mutant) super-villains? Emotional kinship with Wild Child? Or a case of the psychopathic hots for Diamond Lil? Either way; it's justifiable cause to shudder.

  4. Not trying to nitpick, but wasn't the super-villain team called "Omega Flight?"

  5. My namesake is correct. Omega Flight was founded by resentful members of Betat and Gamma Flights.

  6. I still remember looking at the first issue of Alpha Flight on the newstand in the subway on my way to school (4th grade) in Brooklyn, and balking at the expensive $1.00 cover price (comics back then were still 50 cents), so I didn't buy it! Boy, have I been kicking myself since 1983 for passing up that issue. Life's regrets!

  7. Ross said...
    "See issue #665 for that."

    Is there an easy way to go straight to a particular issue, either from the regular or the mobile site?

  8. Anonymous said...
    "Ross said... "See issue #665 for that."

    Is there an easy way to go straight to a particular issue, either from the regular or the mobile site?"

    Once I knew that the page existed, I went to it by using the site's 'Label' search function for 'The Guardian'.

    1. i did the same. i was wondering when Ross referred to an issue number if there was a direct link, like braveandboldlost.../665 or something like that.

  9. After ALPHA FLIGHT's appearance in X-MEN and being a fan of CAPTAIN CANUCK, I remember the excitement of a Canadian super-hero team getting their own title. What a huge let-down it turned out to be though. Instead of exciting, action packed story lines, it was nothing but gloomy and dull. Byrne is a great artist, but loves to ruin or kill off characters. Roy Thomas could have worked wonders with this title.
