Saturday, May 28, 2016

Iron Fist and The Metal Men

Attempts have been made from time to time to modernize the Metal Men.  We've seen darker takes, incarnations where Doc himself becomes a robot, and clunky visual redesigns.  Give me the sleek appearance of the originals with their personalities and whimsical adventures intact any day.  This is one property works best when it stays true to its classic design.


  1. Amen, brother!
    Great cover!

    There is nothing more Silver Age than the Metal Men. If it ain't broke - don;t fix it! There was/is nothing wrong with comics being fun and a bit whimsical and silly. Comics SHOULD be fun!

  2. One thing has been bothering me for ages... can you please put the "AND" between the two name logos. Great work btw keep it up. The AND keep it in the middle.

  3. I prefer the original design of the Metal Men, too. I hope that they have cameos in 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow' sometime. I think that they would fit right in as part of the storyline even if it is far in the future.

  4. I wouldn't hold my breath with that show's stingy budget for super powered effects...

  5. First time post, long time lurker. Ross, these covers are nothing if not magical. Oh, the possibilities! As a request, could we see Yellow Jacket take on a new sidekick/apprentice with the Teen Titans' Bumblebee? Please?!

  6. Thanks, Jake. I like Bumblebee a lot and will definitely try to use her again.

  7. I agree, Ross. The Metal Men would be better off appearing in a feature-length movie with a big budget. Including funds for CGI! Whereas, if CW really wants to introduce a metallic superhero in Season 2 of LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, let it be John Henry Irons.

    A.k.a. Steel!

    Surely, the special effects team that did such a masterful job, bringing Girder to THE FLASH, would have no trouble with the above.

  8. @Cary Kilingbeck - Do you remember a Few years ago WB announced a movie with the Metal Men to be helmed by a Grade A director and Grade A producer? The internets went wild with sarcasm. Since that time Marvel scored with Big Hero Six and I'm leFt thinking WB misses another opportunity. Oh well, but Steel would be better on Supergirl along with Guardian iF he ever shows up. Ross, damn Fine cover. CanIron Fist meet Bronze Tiger or Lady Shiva next?

  9. No, Isaac, I never heard of that incident until now. To such nay-sayers, I reply: the big-budget version of GL, with Ryan Reynolds, at its worst was still ten times _better_ than the Shaq version of STEEL or the Syfy Channel version of Marvel's Man-Thing!

    So, I remain just as unalterably optimistic concerning a big-budget version of the Metal Men.

  10. P.@---hear that Warner Brothers? Show some guts! Give us a feature-length Metal Men movie.
