Thursday, January 21, 2016

Superman Vs. Archie

This cover comes about from a request from none other than comics' veteran Jim Valentino.  Jim's creativity brought us normalman, a classic Guardians of the Galaxy run, Shadowhawk, A Touch of Silver, and many other comics and concepts throughout the years.  Above and beyond that, he has shown great support to the blog, so how could I pass up the opportunity to use a suggestion by him?

Archie Andrews and Kal-El met once before under decidedly different circumstances...


  1. Wow! This is awesome! I could see Archie and Jimmy Olsen being confused for each other..."Superman's Pal, Archie Andrews" or Jimmy in Riverdale. Hi-jinks ensue... This is fantastic. Very cool that Jim Valentino is a fan, too!

  2. This one is fantastic, especially because John Goldwater originally conceived Archie to be the "antithesis" of Superman.

  3. What does Hiram Lodge have against Superman? Knowing how he feels about Archie, I would think he'd be doing all sorts of conniving aimed at hitching Supes to Veronica!

  4. @ Anonymous: Bob Buethe had the best guess. The Antithesis!


  5. Easy to figure out Lex and Lodge's play. Lex's serum would probably give Archie strength as great or nearly as great as Superman's But only temporary and probably has very harmful side effects.

    Lex gets this kid to accidentally kill Superman in the ring (He's Superman. Not like he can't let the kid take a few free shots for the sport of it.) Lodge has bet on the fight with one of those'Can you believe someone would bet that would happen' longshots. As a side benefit, no matter what the serum does to Archie, the kid will be a wreck knowing he just KILLED Superman.

  6. Fortunately, they've reckoned without Archie's incredible clumsiness.

  7. Awesome cover! Has anyone stopped to consider that the redhead might actually be Pureheart the Powerful out of uniform?

    One of my favorite crossover comics of all time was "Archie Meets The Punisher". I think I would like this team-up even better. Also, it's always great to hear from the creator of normalman.
