Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Question and Thor

The Question seems like a natural to show up on Arrow or perhaps the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow at some point.  A  street level hero that seeks out the truth behind every conspiracy can easily fit into or propel the types of story lines they use. The only problem would be finding an actor that doesn't mind being obscured by a featureless mask!


  1. That seems like more of a problem for producers, too. Thor with no helmet obscuring his golden mane. Captain America with no mask...Do they not read the comic books they make the movies from?

  2. How about Madonna, herself? She did a pretty good job playing that faceless bad guy, opposite Warren Beatty in the title role of DICK TRACY!

  3. Yeah, but they'd need to cast somebody with a spooky voice to dub for her whenever she was in costume as the Question. A good candidate for such, in my book, would be Jeffrey Combs (THE FRIGHTENERS).

    1. Wasn't he a recurring alien character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?

  4. P.S.---if you had to team up Thor with somebody wearing a fedora, I think the Phantom Stranger would've been more appropriate. There's a guy more worthy of being asked if he's worthy enough to lift Mjolnir!

  5. @ B.B.---Why not? I can just see Indy comparing his bullwhip to Thor's hammer and declaring: "Mine is longer than yours."


    1. Thor's response would be, "Aye, but the mighty Mjolnir is heavier and more powerful.

    2. Thor's response would be, "Aye, but the mighty Mjolnir is heavier and more powerful.

  6. Jesse - if you're asking about Jeffrey Combs, yes, he was in fact two recurring aliens on ST:DS9 - Weyoun, a Vorta, and Brunt, a Ferengi. He also had a recurring role as the Andorian officer Thy'lek Shran on Enterprise; and played a couple of one-off aliens on both DS9 and Voyager. He's also actually voiced the Question on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon show.

    Ross - It occurs to me that the Question would be perfect for intersecting with the X-Files. He might also work well with Wolverine, given some of the dark parts of the latter's backstory.

  7. X-Files/Question does make sense... I have has some ideas for Indy/Thor as well...

  8. Very interesting, if not unusual team-up here with the Q-Man and Thor, but I'm not knocking the love for him either.

    As has been pointed out, he's a natural for either Arrow, the Flash, and/or Legends of Tomorrow. Hopefully he shows up soon in either one since he's such an easy, street-level character to use.

    Jeffery Combs would indeed be perfect to portray the Question. His performance on the JLU series proved that. Hell, every time I read issues with the Question, it's in Combs' voice.

    And while he maybe a little older than the Q-Man, that mask should take care of that, as well as just saying, well, he's been at this a looooong time.

    The Question and a X-Files team-up? How has this not already happened!? If nothing else the millage you can get out of Vic and Mulder interacting with each like conspiracy-spewing furbies. Poor Scully;)

  9. An additional note: Part of the problem with finding an actor to play the Question may not be having his features obscured. As at least one cosplayer has discovered, there's also the issue of eating and drinking with a mask that fully covers the face like his does.

  10. Hey! That could be the subject of tomorrow's cover!

    The Question asking Chun Yull: "Never mind the hunting. How do you accomplish the Faceless Eating?"


  11. Thor and Phantom Stranger!
    'Nuff said!

  12. how about a issue with james bond and jason bourne.

  13. Or Ka-Zar and Jason Bourne.

    "Bourne -- To Be Wild!"

  14. Or even Jason Bourne and John McLaine!


  15. Always thought the late Patrick Swayze would have made a good question.
    In fact watch him as Dalton in Roadhouse again with this in mind and tell me what you think.

  16. Hugo Weaving did V for Vendetta with a mask the entire time.
