Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Joker and Magneto

It was great seeing the original cast in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but I have to admit being more than a little disappointed at how little Mark Hamill was given to do.  Sure, Harrison Ford is the A-List star to most - but for me, Hamill's return was the real draw.  He has always seemed like "one of us", from his collector-friendly Amazing Stories episode, to writing and directing Comic Book: The Movie, to his decades-spanning performance as The Trickster and of course his perfect turns as the voice of The Joker and many other animated characters.  Given the events in the film, it's a sure bet he will be much more involved in the action for Episode VIII... but it's going to be a long 18 months waiting for it!


  1. The Force Awakens was the Star Wars film we all have been patiently waiting for. There were a few "What?" moments for me, like Chewie coming off the Falcon and walking right by Leia. It appears that Jedis take failure personally and run and hide in self-imposed seclusion. As far as story...Luke is going to do some heavy lifting in the next two films. I'm sure there will be an epic light saber duel in a third film between him and Kylo Ren.

  2. An interesting team up would be Alfred, Jarvis, Cadbury and Sebastian Michaelis The Butler Brigade.

  3. It was much better than the prequels but Abrams played it way too safe by mirroring too much of A New Hope. A third Death Star? Really? I thought that was lazy writing. and found the third act to be very repetitive. Loved all the new characters though (except maybe Domhnall Gleeson chewing the scenery as Hux). BB-8 Rocked.

  4. Actually, from an Imperial/Tarkinist standpoint, turning a whole planet into the ultimate Death Star would make frightening perfect sense. And my only complaint with Episode Seven was the 3-D version. It garbled the sound track so badly, I had to go back a second time and watch the 2-D version!

    So, almost needless to say, I enjoyed the second viewing a lot more. And, therefore, I give the opening act of Trilogy Three...a perfect ten.

  5. People have gone off on the "Star Wars" theme, which is fine, but let us not lose sight of this DeliCious, Marvelous cover.

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fan-freaking-tastic job.

    Happy holidays to all. Bigjeffoh

  6. Thanks, Jeff - this is one of my favorites so I am glad you took note!

  7. A. Clay Campbell esq. said...
    "An interesting team up would be Alfred, Jarvis, Cadbury and Sebastian Michaelis The Butler Brigade."

    I'm fairly sure that there's already been, at the least, one Alfred & Jarvis team-up here...

  8. Is this cover just a reference to the Joker's origin as the Red Hood, our am I missing something? What is the link to Star Wars?

  9. Of course it is. The link is Mark Hamill is the voice of the Joker.

  10. simreeve, the Alfred and Jarvis cover was but another butler cover world be great. why not add Doiby Dickles the chauffeur to, and maybe even Woozy Winks in his butler disguise for a bit more light relief. Those characters have been sadly missing

  11. A very clever amalgam, Ross. Thanks for posting it. And Merry Christmas to you and yours. :-)

  12. Episode 8 was the most dubious chapter of the 3rd trilogy. The climactic battle was too much like the Battle of hoth in TESB.
