Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Justice League Of America and The Fantastic Four in "Mutually Assured Destruction!"

The Fantastic Four reboot hits home video this week and I think I will watch it this weekend while waiting for Star Wars crowds to thin at the theaters.  I'm going in with pretty low expectations given the footage and reviews I have seen, so I hope that there with be a few action beats or character moments to pleasantly surprise me along the way at least.

These two teams shared an adventure once before, a two-parter that began in a galaxy far, far away...


  1. I encourage you to lower your expectations even further.

  2. Epic! This continues the Perez work. I think he was on Fantastic Four before Avengers then Justice League, finally settling in with Mr. Wolfman on New Teen Titans...

    Good times, good times...

  3. Looking back at that earlier two-parter made me think- how about a Darth Vader / Darkseid team-up or battle? It could be called "Darkseid of the Force!"

  4. Why have they teamed up to battle a nuclear Richard Simmons?

  5. Yeah, who is the villain, anyway?

  6. Given their propensity for seeking revenge through androids? I'd say either the Mad Thinker or Professor Ivo. Maybe even both! With Amazo using the Martian Manhunter's shapeshifting power to attack the FF in the guise of several individual Leaguers.

    Speaking of J'onn J'onzz...

    @Matt Cellis?

    If you hate the former that much, you better start boycotting SUPERGIRL, immediately and permanently. Because he's been introduced to Season 1 continuity as of last week (12/07/15)! :P

  7. Anon is right. To paraphrase Albert Einstein: "There is not only more to Mars than we know. There's even more to it than we THINK we know!"

  8. To paraphrase Inspector Pierre Sellers: "The mystery is sol-ved!"

  9. Ross said...
    "That's Per Degaton."

    from the JLA/JSA/All-star Squadron crossover?

  10. @ Simreeve.

    Yeah. The kick-A.S.S. trilogy that semi-officially introduced Infinity, Inc.

  11. I loved me some Per Degaton back in the day, but I remember him as having closely cropped red hair. Not a giant curly Bozo-style afro. (Pretty sure he used to have arms and legs too, but we'll leave that aside.)

  12. Hmmm...now that the JSA and the LSH share a continuity, I wonder if Per Degaton might evolve into a version of the Time Trapper?

    I say "a version" because the Legion of 3 Worlds story arc established that the Trapper was, of all things, a "sentient alternate timeline" trying to replace the canonical DCU. Hence, his/her/its identity could change. Per Degaton seems to me like a good candidate for a Trapper manifestation, as does the next villain Ross used, Krona (he's already immortal).

  13. I forgot to add that the JSA and the LSH already share one major villain, Mordru.

  14. Kid Charlemagne said...
    "Hmmm...now that the JSA and the LSH share a continuity,"

    Not the case since Flashpoint, I think...


  15. I gave up comics for financial reasons in 2007, so I don't know what Flashpoint did.

    From what little I've read, I doubt I've missed much, especially since I was already getting weary of universe-shattering Crises and continuity reboots every few years. :P
