Monday, December 21, 2015

Green Lantern Vs. Galactus

Continued from yesterday's cover, we see that it all comes down to comicdom's greatest southpaw.  Now that Earth-2 is a major plot point, maybe we can get an Alan Scott appearance on The Flash.  It's not like he's being used anywhere else these days, so I can't imagine there would be any conflicts.

If you are wondering where Hal Jordan was during this two-part tale, that story was told back in STF #989...


  1. Awesome and awe inspiring! One of the best covers ever. Great action and interplay between the characters. Happy Holidays to all. Bigjeff

  2. Man! A two-parter just to tie up the loose ends from a previous cover? You, sir, have a memory--and respect--for past continuity that the late, great Mark Gruenwald of Marvel Comics would be proud of. :-)

  3. Up until he died, Mart Nodell (the creator of Alan Scott)would come to Motor City Comic Con every year. He was a hell of a nice guy who would even remember people from year to year. So, aside from being a great character I loved, Alan Scott remembered always feels like a nice tribute to a great guy.

    What's more I still miss the JSA comic.

    Thanks for keeping the flame burning.

  4. I actually asked Mart about GL's possibly left handedness at SDCC one year (and he and his wife were always great people) and he said no, Alan's right handed. He put the ring on his left hand so he could use his right hand to hit the villains.

  5. Nooooo! Why did you have to tell me that! I thought there was at least one left handed superhero!

  6. Yeah, but then the leftie in question would have to be called "Southpaw" (which sounds more like a nickname for a henchman).

  7. If you really want a left-handed superhero, look no further than

  8. Before Gotham came out I was hoping that Alan Scott would show up there since he's from Gotham. I was sadly disappointed.

  9. Alan Scott pre Flashpoint is the greatest super hero of all time
