Saturday, November 28, 2015

Spider-Man and Green Lantern (Part 2)

It has been promised that there will be no retelling of Spider-Man's origin once he joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Not only is this a good thing because audiences don't need to see Uncle Ben die yet again, but hopefully it will lead to more humor from the hero.  Toby Maguire's Spidey spent so much time mourning over loved ones that there was very little time left over for levity.  Andrew Garfield always came off more arrogant and cocky that funny in the role, so the comedy didn't really work for me in his films.  Hopefully the humorous side of Spider-Man is something that will finally be realized.


  1. Maybe if Ethan Hawke or Elijah Wood were to be cast in the title role, Peter Parker and/or Spidey would finally demonstrate his trademark humor.

    As for this "part 2" cover? I'm betting the dead GL in question was Donna Parker. A temporary precursor to Hal Jordan, whose existence was revealed in "Tales of the Green Lantern Corps" back in the late Eighties/early Nineties! The identical last name would allow making her, say, a long-lost great-aunt on Ben and Richard's side of the family.

  2. My bets are... Hal died again. Good luck in being... Spider-Lantern!

  3. Oh! Green Spider or Spider Lantern could then team-up with Iron Lantern!

  4. So, nothing shows the lighter side of Spider-Man more than Peter Parker standing mournfully at a snowy graveside draped with Green Lantern uniform, etc.?

  5. Actually, Air Dave is more right than he knows. Back in the 1960's, Charlton Comics published a one-shot comic where in a thinly-disguised Archie spoof was out to become the greatest super-villain in the world by killing all the superheroes in his hometown! Those heroes including the Peacemaker (genuine Charlton character of the time); the Blue Beetle (Ted Kord version); Captain USA (Capt. America/Superman composite parody) and the Green Spider (Hal Jordan/Peter Parker composite parody).

    In short: good thinking Air Dave! :-)

  6. P.S.---the Archie spoof's villainous name for himself?

