Monday, September 21, 2015

The Flash and The Beast

The Flash was a pleasant surprise last season and I am looking forward to the new season beginning in a few weeks.  After years of watching comic based TV shows that too often tried to distance themselves from their four-color roots, here was a show that happily embraced the comic book nature of its character.  This season promises to be even more fun, helping to kick off the Legends of Tomorrow series and promising appearances by characters like Atom Smasher, Doctor Light, Jesse Quick, Professor Zoom, and Jay Garrick.  The last season left off in an interesting place and it will be fun to see how Barry Allen and his team move on now that their mentor's true intentions have been exposed.


  1. Oh my stars and garters what a cool team-up! Science geeks!

    Wasn't Barry pure hope and optimism? Wasn't the best of comic books. Almost like a "human" version of Superman. Peter Parker without all the failure and angst.

    I'm going to have to binge watch it on Hulu or Netflix...

  2. Actually, prior to the Atom's Silver Age wedding, Barry and (Caucasian) Iris were the only two happily married (non-Atlantean) thirty-somethings in the entire DCU! So, in that regard, both the CBS series from 1990 and the modern CW version have just as radically departed from the pre-COIE comic book.

    And, while I've been pleasantly surprised by Season 1 of THE FLASH, for the most part, the crossovers with ARROW have been more lackluster, than blockbuster, for me. I hope CW doesn't over-rely on them, as much, during Season 2!

    As for this cover? Not bad! :-)

    Is it a reworking of your Zatanna/Spidey crossover?

  3. Wasn't Barry pure hope and optimism? Wasn't the best of comic books.

    We'll have to agree to disagree. I like my superheroes full of hope and optimism. Angsty and "badass" heroes turn me off. I stopped reading most Marvel in the early '70s, most DC (except for Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, and JLA) in the early '90s, and most of everything else (except for Batman '66 and a few independents) since Didio and Johns took over DC.

    Actually, prior to the Atom's Silver Age wedding, Barry and (Caucasian) Iris were the only two happily married (non-Atlantean) thirty-somethings in the entire DCU!

    You're forgetting Ralph and Sue.

  4. Elongated Man and his wife.

  5. Oh, right! The couple who lead the Fantastic Four.

    Insert "face-palm" icon here.

  6. Face-palm, Part II:

    Ralph and Sue Dibney were simply the Elongated Man and his wife. Ralph as been an occasional member of the Justice League.

    Reed and Sue Richards, Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Girl/Woman, were the couple of led the Fantastic Four.

  7. Thanks, Bob, for "stretching" that point.


  8. Barry and Iris were simply an item/engaged for the first 10 years of the series. Maybe Daphne Dean should make an appearance in Season 2 :-) THAT would definitely complicate the Barry/Iris/Linda triangle :-)

  9. Barry and Iris were simply an item/engaged for the first 10 years of the series. Maybe Daphne Dean should make an appearance in Season 2 :-) THAT would definitely complicate the Barry/Iris/Linda triangle :-)
