Monday, September 28, 2015

Green Lantern and The Thing

I'm guessing we won't be hearing any definitive news on the cinematic future for the Fantastic Four until the underperforming reboot is released on home video.  Hopefully once that is done, common sense will prevail and Marvel will regain the rights.  Not only will we have another chance to get the property right, the path will be cleared for what every comic fan would love to see - a big screen Thing Vs. Hulk brawl!

Hal Jordan isn't faring much better here than the last time he met The Thing...


  1. I remember the inspiration for this cover! The MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE issue featuring Ben Grimm and Luke Cage vs...Braggadoom!

  2. It was Black Bolt from MTIO Annual #4

  3. I remember that story. It was actually the first time I encountered Graviton, who had become a kind of living space warp at the time.

    Mid '70s-early '80s Ben Grimm will always be my favorite Ben Grimm, I think.

  4. Now we just have to figure out how to get Ben into the GL Corps himself. For no other reason than to have him use the phrase "Thing Ring, do your thing!", of course. (Yeah, that's probably way to far to go just to use that joke.)

  5. @ Green Luthor -Stranger things have happened on this site my Superfriend!

  6. Here's hoping the FF revert back to the MCU. Maybe we can get a version of FF25/26 (The Hulk Versus The Thing and The Avengers Take Over).
