Sunday, August 2, 2015

Amethyst and Martinex

Martinex is another character that I would love to see show up an a Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. I just always thought that he looked really cool, and I imagine he would look even cooler in live action.  When folks asked for more Amethyst team ups, he was the first character I thought of.


  1. amethyst and she ra jemm and holograms xena red sonja elektra and the bride from kill bill

  2. A gem of a cover!

  3. I always wondered why Star Sapphire never invaded Gemworld?

  4. The last issue of 'Shadowpact' had the contemporary team of that name join forces with its counterparts from 100 years earlier & 100 years later, the latter of which included an exiled princess by the name of Sardonyx who was presumably meant to be from Gemworld,

  5. @ Harry Bean:

    A team-up with Xena can be found at April 2013 via the Amethyst back-link..

  6. Great idea! Too bad you didn't do this one on July 14th, in honor of the New Horizons Pluto flyby.

  7. Now I want to see them meet the _other_ Amethyst.
