Sunday, August 9, 2015

Catwoman Vs. Wolverine

If I had to pick a favorite Wolverine story, I would still go back to his original self-titled mini-series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller.  I had been a fan of the character through his X-Men appearances, bur this solo outing really allowed the character to flourish.  Miller's artwork was a revelation for me - I remember being amazed at the first image of Mariko.  I also have to admit that I really enjoyed Wolverine: Enemy of the State  by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr., even if it did go over the top a bit.


  1. I think i recognize that Wolverine image from the cover of an issue of What if…?

  2. If this had been a real crossover, my first guess would have to be that she had stolen a certain star sapphire once owned by Carol Ferris and, thereby, gained mind-control of Logan. Similar to how Superman was once temporarily enslaved by it!

  3. I was thinking... Wolverine's female clone was called X-23 and Pantha from New Titans was X-24. Do the math and give us a good catfight.
