Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Vigilante Vs. Daredevil (Part One)

I remember being annoyed that DC had built up a great character like Adrian Chase in the pages of New Teen Titans only to spin him off into a series that I wasn't able to get.  The Vigilante's solo title was in their new "Baxter" format and only on sale in comic shops.  It was a few years before I finally got around to reading it.  There was lots of great art and writing in those early issues.

As the cover indicates, this it tale continues tomorrow, so stay tuned!


  1. Adrian Chase was a great character! It's a shame that his Vigilante wasn't so much enduring as the classic Vigilante...

    Can't wait to see how this one turns out!

  2. Why would Adrian Chase's Vigilante "Targitt" Foggy Nelson?* Could Matt Murdock's long-time law partner have been framed for corruption by the Chameleon (or some other master-criminal-of-disguise)? I guess only part two will answer that question to everyone's satisfaction.

    * "Targitt the Man-Stalker" was a magazine of the Atlas Comics line founded by Larry Lieber (brother of the legendary Stan Lee) in the mid-1970's. Originally, a Dirty Harry-type super cop, he was given a bulletproof costume in the fourth and final issue. One that evidently inspired Chase's!

  3. I remember being pissed off too at that time. I was in the 5th grade, and my family lived in East New York (Brooklyn). Not only were comic shops unheard of at the time, I had to rely on a couple of newstands that never consistently carried subsequent issues. How painful to see ads for The Vigilante or Infinity Inc. knowing I may never get to read them!

  4. I find it an even greater disappointment that the attempted revival of the Atlas Comics line, circa 2010, proved just as short-lived as the original company. :-(
