Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cat-Man Vs.The Black Cat

Cat-Man is a perfect example of a character that just needs the right direction and writer.  He always seemed like a C-list member of Batman's Rogues gallery - he didn't even have an original motif.  I was surprised to see him as a member of Gail Simone's Secret Six relaunch.  Simone really fleshed out his personality and background, and quickly made him one of my favorite members of the team.


  1. Ross, special kudos on this cover. That looks like it must have been harder than usual, removing just the right parts of the Catman work, if indeed that was how you had to do it. Cheers!

  2. Thanks, it was tough - but it was the other way around, for me the hardest part was isolating the Black Cat image with all the torn shreds of paper.

  3. She-Cat of Femforce could butt-whup both of them.

  4. Nice!

    Coincidentally I've just read a reprint of an entertaining Batman story in which Catman was in a group of second-string Bat-villains who called themselves "the Misfits": Killer Moth's idea, with Calendar Man as his other recruit and a newcomer (who hasn't been seen since) called Chancer then joining them...

    I'd like to suggest the ultimate in "crazy" DC/Marvel crossovers: Harley Quinn & Deadpool...

  5. @ Simreeve: I can just picture her making some quipping reference to Ryan Reynolds (like for instance; "Do you know a guy called Green Lantern?").
