Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Vision and Magnus: Robot Fighter

Like many, I felt that The Vision was the best part of Avengers: Age of Ultron.  Even though his origins differed from the comics, I enjoyed how he was depicted in appearance and performance.  I look forward to seeing him in future films, fully utilizing his abilities - we only got the quickest glimpse of him phasing this time around.  We also got a quick look between him and Wanda, and I hope that was a hint that the romance from the comics will make its way to the movies.


  1. This is awesome Ross! Is this the first time you've used Magnus?

  2. Nope - click on the Magnus label and you'll see his other appearances.

  3. Now this would be one hell of an interesting battle/team-up.
    Magnus, I'm quite sure, has never encountred an android like the Vision, and I don't think the Vision has encountered someone so dedicated and dedsigned to destroy robots like Magnus is. That'd be an intersting story to see play out.

  4. Off topic: How about the Butler Brigade?

    Alfred, Jarvis, Cadbury (from Richie Rich's world), and any others you can think of. ^_^

  5. @ Kid Charelmagne: How about Brian "Mr. Scarlet" Butler from the Golden Age Fawcett Comics? ;-)

    @ Ross: I'm also in favor of Wanda and the Vision becoming more than mutually smitten in the next AVENGERS sequel. Because, the only thing I didn't like about the Scarlet Witch's previous live-action appearance (a certain beer commercial from the early 2000's) was the Vision's absence from it. They managed to include Hawkeye and Thor. But, not the Vision??? For shame!

  6. I believe that The Vision was a nice payoff for following along since Iron Man I...But that's just me.

  7. Same Anonymous as before:

    My bad! It wasn't beer. It was a commercial for milk!!

  8. See if you guys agree:

  9. @Kid Charlemagne: There has been an Alfred and Jarvis cover, but Cadbury missed out on that one.

  10. @Bob Buethe: Are you sure about that? Maybe he did an "Easter egg" cameo?
